Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Flu Shots

Last Thursday we went and got the flu shot. It was a short wait but as soon as we got to the front of the line the tears began. Taylor started to freak out. She got her needles and cried for the next 15 minutes she is terrified of needles then we found out she needs to flu shot needles.
Tuesday we went for the H1N1 we thought it would be maybe a little longer than the last one, but no it was a 4+ hour wait Eastynn wanted to be held he entire 4 hours so Fabian and I had very sore backs. Taylor was so cranky she cried and cried about everything and anything. She cried that she would miss recess and she cried that she'd miss library and she cried that she was missing school and that she wanted to go to McDonalds. She cried about being hungry and thirsty that I will give her I should have been a little more prepared. Then we got to the front of the line and she freaked out about the needles again. Poor little girl.
So Fabian and I are done getting our needles and the girls need one more of each but hopefully they can get them on the same day.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

that is an awfully long wait!! But now you are some of the few who have the shots. Hopefully the next wait won't be so long -- that's way too long to expect most people to wait, let alone young kids!