Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Relay For Life

This year the Relay For Life was a little different than in previous years for obvious reasons.
This year I joined Fabian for the survivor supper, we shared our supper with the girls although it was really small. My mom and dad were also there and Auntie Cindy. It was pretty nice.
After was the survivor lap which is pretty inspirational. Obviously hard to watch some people there no one ever wants to see anyone in there family there but also very hard to see children in there.
This year there was the Chisholm/Sehn team in memory of Stephanie.
Also this year a team from Fox Valley for my mom's cousin Larry and the tents were side by side. So an enormous amount of family there it was really nice.
We stayed till about 11pm and then left, the girls were so so tired.
That's all for now

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