Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Eastynn I think is getting close to wanting to be potty trained but it depends on her mood. One day she will tell you ever time she pees but no matter weather she pees or poops its always poop. I pooped she says. She is now taking off her diaper ALL the time. Which is quite the surprise, yesterday she went to bed in our bed and when Fabian went to move her was surprised when our bed was covered in pee. Today she peed all over the bathroom floor while we tried to get her to put her diaper back on but she was having a meltdown. Hopefully soon she will be trained but I think we need to cut back her fluid intake a lot which with her temper is going to be rough.
She is so much fun though talking up a storm and starting to eat a lot better lately while her sister is developing a ton of food aversions.
That's all for now

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