Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I had a hard decision to make and it took me till Friday at 11:30 to make it and we were leaving at 1. I had to decide weather to go to provincials where I could do nothing for dad or to stay in the Hat or go to Calgary where I could do nothing. I wasn't sure I'd be able to concentrate or anything, but after talking to almost everyone I know including dad I was convinced I should go and give the team a shot.
I played day one and and finsihed 7th I thought okay keep yourself together and you need 2 more days exactly the same. Day 2 surprisingly was even better I finished 4th. I couldn't believe with all that was weighing on my mind that I was doing as well as I was. Day 3 I thought one more day have an average day and your in, and I finished 2nd so overall I finished 3rd on the team. And couldn't be happier. Every dart I threw was for dad and I am happy I made him proud.
That's all for now

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