Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Week (without the bad news)

After Eastynn fell and busted up her lip we were good, good till the next day. Tuesday Eastynn was sitting in mommy's chair at the table and fell and she was holding her arm, since Fabian took Eastynn to the ER the night before we were hoping we didn't have to go back. Thank goodness she was able to shake it off quickly. Then in the evening my parents came over for dinner and she was sitting in a folding chair and it folded up on the poor little girl. She had a rough few days. I can't remember now but one day I took Eastynn to the pool for a little play date the second we hit the water she got a ball right in the face. She's a tough little monkey though she barely cried.

Taylor she only had one little accident last week. We bought the girls a new tv for the toy room and the stuff is in the back (the audio video) cords she wanted to play one of her games so twisted the tv and it fell on her foot, she bruised her toe pretty good. Taylor handed out Valentines day cards twice last week and she got a bunch, which are scattered all over the house right now. She loves the holidays that little girl. I love her so much she makes you realize just how special the little things are and she has been taking good care of mommy this week giving me lots of cuddles.

That's all for now

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