Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Week

This week has been a slow one for the most part. Eastynn and Taylor have had some awful colds lots of sleeping and lots of cuddles which I love.
We have been using skype to keep in contact with Grandma and Grandpa Mellor while he is in the hospital up there. Grandma and Grandpa Huber bought a web cam so we can do that soon with them too.
Grandma and Grandpa Huber came for a short little visit this weekend. I barely seen them at all but Taylor and Eastynn got to spend loads of time with them and that's what the visit was all about Grandma and Grandpa, Taylor and Eastynn. I also had a friend Ryan from Calgary stay here this weekend for a dart tourney, I got to spend more time with him. I played in a singles tourney on Saturday and won it was a lot of fun. Saturday Fabian and I went and had our anniversary dinner early while we had grandma to babysit. Then by the time we got home they went back to Daniel's. Maybe next time I will have more time to visit.
Monday was speech we had to take Eastynn cause no sitters again but that's okay we sit in a little room and watch Taylor.
Today is a dart night and we have our new sitter Logan he is making a little fortune off us but thankfully I know he is saving it for a scooter so I am happy to help out with that. He babysits on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Today was a HUGE day for us we registered Taylor for kindergarten crazy I can't wait till it happens and at the same time I am going to miss her around all the time. She is going to be going Mon-Fri full days.
I think after the fall semester we will think of putting Eastynn in play-school she can go to the same school as Taylor, which will be nice. Not only will they be in the same school it is apparently a ton cheaper than the one Taylor is at now. But we will see what the future holds I guess
That's all for now

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