Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Girls New Room

We finally got the girls bed. And all in all it was a good night. Taylor was a little scared to get on the top bed but once she was there she was good. Eastynn loved it I thought it would be perfect but Fabian did a little running around and opening and closing the door was taking a toll on her she had a little crying spell but we she fell asleep around 8:45 which is normal for her. I am hoping that it continues like this I am really happy with how it has all come together.
Once we have a tv for the toy room I will take pictures of the set up in there.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

looks awesome. I like how the railing is for the top bunk - Taylor for sure won't fall out of there accidentally!! Glad the transition last night went well, hope tonight is as good :-)