Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Week

This week has been a slow one for the most part. Eastynn and Taylor have had some awful colds lots of sleeping and lots of cuddles which I love.
We have been using skype to keep in contact with Grandma and Grandpa Mellor while he is in the hospital up there. Grandma and Grandpa Huber bought a web cam so we can do that soon with them too.
Grandma and Grandpa Huber came for a short little visit this weekend. I barely seen them at all but Taylor and Eastynn got to spend loads of time with them and that's what the visit was all about Grandma and Grandpa, Taylor and Eastynn. I also had a friend Ryan from Calgary stay here this weekend for a dart tourney, I got to spend more time with him. I played in a singles tourney on Saturday and won it was a lot of fun. Saturday Fabian and I went and had our anniversary dinner early while we had grandma to babysit. Then by the time we got home they went back to Daniel's. Maybe next time I will have more time to visit.
Monday was speech we had to take Eastynn cause no sitters again but that's okay we sit in a little room and watch Taylor.
Today is a dart night and we have our new sitter Logan he is making a little fortune off us but thankfully I know he is saving it for a scooter so I am happy to help out with that. He babysits on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Today was a HUGE day for us we registered Taylor for kindergarten crazy I can't wait till it happens and at the same time I am going to miss her around all the time. She is going to be going Mon-Fri full days.
I think after the fall semester we will think of putting Eastynn in play-school she can go to the same school as Taylor, which will be nice. Not only will they be in the same school it is apparently a ton cheaper than the one Taylor is at now. But we will see what the future holds I guess
That's all for now

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Daddy

As most of you all now know my dad is laid up in a hospital in Calgary. His nagging back pain is way more than any of us could have expected. They were trying to figure out why his back wasn't getting better they did bone scans, they did CAT scans, and then last Wednesday he went in for his MRI and he was having so much trouble moving they sent him to the ER and then later did the MRI and found he had some tumors.
So they tried to get him a bed in Calgary and flew him up there once they found a bed and were able to manage his pain a little better. Now he is in Calgary awaiting test and results.
I need everyone that reads this blog to pray for my dad to get better asap
That's all for now


I had a hard decision to make and it took me till Friday at 11:30 to make it and we were leaving at 1. I had to decide weather to go to provincials where I could do nothing for dad or to stay in the Hat or go to Calgary where I could do nothing. I wasn't sure I'd be able to concentrate or anything, but after talking to almost everyone I know including dad I was convinced I should go and give the team a shot.
I played day one and and finsihed 7th I thought okay keep yourself together and you need 2 more days exactly the same. Day 2 surprisingly was even better I finished 4th. I couldn't believe with all that was weighing on my mind that I was doing as well as I was. Day 3 I thought one more day have an average day and your in, and I finished 2nd so overall I finished 3rd on the team. And couldn't be happier. Every dart I threw was for dad and I am happy I made him proud.
That's all for now

Congratulations Ryan and Lisa!

On Friday in amongst all the horrible stuff that is going on in our life. Something amazing happened for one of our closest friends, they had a beautiful baby bob Calvin John Storch. He is absolutely gorgeous I can't wait to met the little guy and give my friends a huge hug. He was born 7lbs 12oz.
I wish I had a picture to post hopefully soon we will see them and take photos with him and the girls.
Funny little thing about the boys in that family they have a Calvin just like Uncle Calvin. A Luke just like cousin Luke and a Nick like me. To weird.
That's all for now.

Our Week (without the bad news)

After Eastynn fell and busted up her lip we were good, good till the next day. Tuesday Eastynn was sitting in mommy's chair at the table and fell and she was holding her arm, since Fabian took Eastynn to the ER the night before we were hoping we didn't have to go back. Thank goodness she was able to shake it off quickly. Then in the evening my parents came over for dinner and she was sitting in a folding chair and it folded up on the poor little girl. She had a rough few days. I can't remember now but one day I took Eastynn to the pool for a little play date the second we hit the water she got a ball right in the face. She's a tough little monkey though she barely cried.

Taylor she only had one little accident last week. We bought the girls a new tv for the toy room and the stuff is in the back (the audio video) cords she wanted to play one of her games so twisted the tv and it fell on her foot, she bruised her toe pretty good. Taylor handed out Valentines day cards twice last week and she got a bunch, which are scattered all over the house right now. She loves the holidays that little girl. I love her so much she makes you realize just how special the little things are and she has been taking good care of mommy this week giving me lots of cuddles.

That's all for now

Monday, February 09, 2009

Lots of Little Tid Bits

I guess a few different things have happened over the last little while.

Last week Tuesday night, we were discussing how we always for some reason miss Taylor's little school functions like field trips, the color board, or show and tell. Well as we were discussing this my dad teased he was going to tell her and she must of overheard and said she gets to go to the hospital the next day. When I told her she couldn't cause mommy forgot to hand in the permission slip she was so upset. So Papa told her that he would take her to the hospital the next day and they could go get a donut and hot chocolate. Papa teased her about paying so he told her to bring her money. She took her money and wanted to pay and when papa told her she could keep her money she thought she should give some of it away in the donation box. The lady behind the counter was touched and papa was so pleased that she did such an unselfish thing when she could have bought candy with it she gave it away.

Fabian also took the girls swimming one day. He was going to take them on Sunday but they close at 6 on Sundays now, which is very disappointing.

Friday Fabian went to work but was sent home cause he wasn't feeling well. He had got the cold I had the few days before that.

I went away on Friday for the weekend but apparently they just hung out on the down low for the weekend which is good daddy needed some rest and the girls are starting to get a cold now as well. I was so happy to be home yesterday I couldn't wait to see the girls this morning. I actually went in and said hi to Taylor last night my girls look so beautiful when they are sleeping.

Today was a pretty emotional day. It was Grandma Mellor's birthday and considering its Monday's a speech day. Every time Taylor has speech we get up drive daddy to work and then we go and visit with Grandma till its time to go to her appointment. Today dad and I decided we'd go to his appointment and then to speech. Eastynn was a little sick this morning and quite cuddly she finally started getting comfy enough to walk around and talk and play. Her and Grandma went for a glass of milk. Eastynn and my mom both had a fall Eastynn fell then my mom so my poor mom felt so horrible and it was only an accident and Eastynn only cried for about 2 minutes and then she was good. She has a big ole fat lip we were a little worried so took her in to the er and she is good. But poor grandma had a rough day and we promise we all still love her all the bags of sugar in the world. Papa came to speech today and got to see what she does every week and he was as proud of her as I usually am.

Tomorrow is a big day for Taylor she get's to do the Valentines day stuff at school and Eastynn and I have a little play date we are going swimming with little Taylor. Then they have Grandma babysit tomorrow we will do the birthday thing with her tomorrow it will be a much better tomorrow.

That's all for now.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Their Entertainment Room

We finally got a tv for $20 a good deal for the girls new entertainment room.
The room is cute it has the desk we bought and if Taylor can manage to keep this room clean she will earn her craft stuff that I have put away in a closet but so far that's a no go.
They also have their Dora plush chairs in there. They also have a cute little princess with a little drawer which has Taylor's leap frog computer and games. They have a little spider man couch that folds out into a little bed. And the tv is sitting on a little dresser/night table in one drawer has Taylor's v-tech motion and all the games and the other drawer has Eastynn's v-tech smile baby.
We are so happy to have our tv back.
That's all for now.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Girls New Room

We finally got the girls bed. And all in all it was a good night. Taylor was a little scared to get on the top bed but once she was there she was good. Eastynn loved it I thought it would be perfect but Fabian did a little running around and opening and closing the door was taking a toll on her she had a little crying spell but we she fell asleep around 8:45 which is normal for her. I am hoping that it continues like this I am really happy with how it has all come together.
Once we have a tv for the toy room I will take pictures of the set up in there.
That's all for now