Friday, May 09, 2008

My Mother's Day Tea

Today Taylor and I had a very special day. We took daddy to work and Eastynn to Grandma's house. Then we came home and did our hair and makeup to get ready for our mother's day tea at Taylor's school. We went there and then they sang us some song which was very cute. I was so proud even though she basically just stood there. But she sang me some of the songs earlier. Then the kids all got the mom's a couple treats and then got themselves a treat, it was kind of nice to have he serve me for a change. Then all the kids went up to the front and got the cards they had made for us. Unfortunately Taylor was sick when they made the cards for the moms. She was absolutely devastated. I don't know if she was embarrassed that she was the only kid that had nothing to give to her mom. Or if she was upset that she didn't get one when she went to the front nonetheless it was heart breaking to see that adorable face come back with the big pouty lip and big tears in her eyes. All her teachers felt horrible so they told her they would help her make one on Tuesday. After we left her friend Cale came up to her and gave her a big hug and told her not to be sad it was so so sweet. He is the little guy in the picture that you can barely see with the glasses behind Taylor. So since she was so upset we went and bought some nail polish and did her nails.
I did upload some videos on facebook so check those out too
That's all for now.

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