Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beauty Weather.

Wow the weather has been so nice lately if I didn't take the girls outside I would have felt like a horrible mother. Yesterday the girls probably spent the 85% of the afternoon. I did stay in making meatballs while they played outside it was perfect because they were out of the way for once. Then later that night we went outside and the girls played with the next door neighbor boy. Its sad they got along so well but it was the first time in 2 years that they have played together. Today I think they put down fertilizer so I let them outside but only the cement pad. But I took them to the park for about an hour too. I can hear them in the bedroom still playing so apparently the fresh air didn't poop them out like I had planed. Oh well they have a huge weekend ahead of them I have a dart shoot in Calgary. I We plan on heading to Chuck E Cheese tomorrow. Saturday perhaps the kids and Fabian may head to Red Deer for the day to see Uncle Calvin and Auntie Brooklynn. And on Sunday they are going to go visit Uncle Jason and his new puppy Lacey, Jason is going to give Taylor a summer haircut so hopefully he will cut it so it just rests on her shoulders but I don't think he will go that short and Eastynn is getting her very first hair cut.
That's all for now

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