Tuesday, April 15, 2008

OOPS Sorry It Has Been So Long

I didn't even realize it had been so long since my last post. Well lets see what has happened.
Friday we had roast beef and yorkshire pudding for papa's 60th birthday. Taylor so loves birthday parties although it was just the 6 of us.
Saturday I have no idea what the girls did I played darts all day, and won. Then we had a "adult" birthday party for dad. While Uncle Daniel and Auntie Linda babysat and gave Taylor popcorn which she just "lubs"
Sunday we didn't do a whole lot of anything.
Monday I took the girls swimming in the morning and Fabian took them to the park after supper.
Eastynn is teething AGAIN and not happy about it. She cried so hard this morning I took her to the doctor thinking she had something seriously wrong and nothing. Oh well. She is a little happier now.
That's all for now

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