Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Jay. & Day 2 Of The New Schedule

Well I'm finally tring to get up early which is absoutely killing me the main reason cause I'm avoiding naps and still not falling asleep at a great time. Oh well I'm sure that will sort itself out in a day or two maybe a few hours. The girls are adjusting nicely going to bed better and what not. The chores are all getting done.
Eastynn is finally starting to say a few words she says mum and daddy of course Pebbles. Now she is saying up and hot its cute.
I'm just running out of the house to go get my hair done. Yippee and Fabian is taking the girls to the park.
And I want to wish Jason a very happy birthday from all of us we love you dearly.
That's all for now

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