Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Much Better

Both the girls seem to be doing much better. I'm so so happy. Today Eastynn was a completely different girl she has been laughing and play not grumpy in the slightest. I almost forgot how much fun she can be between the teething and the cold. We are going to try and get back on to the schedule again in full swing tomorrow.
That's all for now

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sick Girlies

We have been having a rough time with the girls over the last week. First Taylor had a fever and got a cough, thank goodness she isn't troubled much by not feeling good. Especially since Eastynn is horrible when she is sick or teething. Eastynn got a fever and a cough a couple days later. She didn't sleep at all from Friday night to Saturday morning. Oh well it was a little rough on me but more so on Fabian and Eastynn. She was worse on Saturday she would cry ever time she cough, I asked Fabian to take her into the doctor but he didn't find it necessary but I guess I must have nagged him enough cause he took her in on Sunday and she is certainly catching up on lost sleep. She slept till 11:30 last night and she just fell asleep again hopefully she will sleep again tonight.
I had darts so thank goodness for me I missed a whole lot of the drama at home. On Friday I played in a blind draw. I got drawn with another woman and we did not to bad considering we were the only woman team in the building. On Saturday we had ladies singles I came in third in my section made it through my first round and got knocked out the next round after that, my nerves got to me. Saturday afternoon I played ladies doubles we came in first in our section and made it through all the knock out rounds and finished in first place. That was awesome considering it was my partner for nationals a good way to finish for the rookies on the team. Mixed doubles on Sunday we did no good whatsoever we placed fourth in our section and got knocked out first round.
We are getting excited here for our cancer shoot on Saturday things are looking very good for that. I will try and take some photos and video for the shoot.
That's all for now.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Late yesterday afternoon Taylor got a very bad cough. I ended up keeping her home from school again just to prevent her from getting others sick.
Unfortunately I think Eastynn is now very cranky so I think she is now getting sick and a new diaper rash. Its not a particulary good time for it to be happening with a big dart tournament coming up this weekend and also with us having company this weekend. Although the people staying with us are trying to have a baby we probably won't have to do a whole lot.
Anyway I'll keep everyone posted on how they are feeling.
That's all for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Taylor's Sick

I don't know what the deal is with Grandma and Grandpa Huber but every time we go to Saskatchewan or they come here someone always ends up sick. Its usually Grandma though. Last night Taylor stayed at Grandma Mellor's she ended up being sick. She had a nap and apparently wasn't the same once she woke up. Then she was up till midnight and slept only till 4am. Then a little nap in the morning and a little nap in the afternoon. Grandma said that she was hot when she woke up and said that she was complaining of a headache and a tummy ache. I took her temp in the ear one ear was 101.3 and in the other was 104.8. We have managed to break the fever with freezies, by light clothing, and by rotating motrin and tylenol and a bath. I'm hoping it doesn't creep back up. we will be watching her like a hawk tonight. Hopefully she can make it to school tomorrow but i doubt it.
That's all for now

Sunday, April 20, 2008

What A Fun Weekend

Well Grandma and Grandpa Huber came to town on Thursday which was the start of our weekend.
Friday I finally got to make my in-laws a nice roast beef and yorkshire pudding supper. It turned out good I think everyone seemed to enjoy it. We also celebrated Linda's birthday (Uncle Daniel's girlfriend). As I have said in the past Taylor loves to celebrate people's birthday's. Its crazy now we have to see who's birthday is next cause she will be waiting for another one.
Saturday I played darts in an open singles tournament there was 15 players 12 men and 3 women. I finished as the top women and finished 7th overall which is really well (BTW I finished better than my dad and I beat him LOL). I had a 180 and took out a 161 which is one of the biggest outs you can get in darts (for those who don't know much about darts). Taylor got to go to the library and take out some new books which will hopefully be a monthly thing she likes it there. After darts and everything we went out for supper at Mamma's a restaurant at the Medicine Hat Lodge. We got to treat Grandma and Grandpa Huber, Grandma and Grandpa Mellor and Daniel and Linda. It was an excellent meal.
This morning Grandma and Grandpa Huber headed back to Saskatchewan (even though we advised them not to due to the huge snowfall we had). Taylor was very sad to see them go Eastynn was too. We took Taylor and Eastynn over to Grandma and Grandpa Huber's so that Fabian and I could play in the in house tournament at the Cabin. That was a great time for Fabian and I. Taylor is having a sleep over at Grandma's which with any luck can be a Sunday ritual its awesome to have such an easy night with just Eastynn.
We have a big weekend coming up this weekend it is a darts alberta dart shoot so I'm looking forward to that and hoping our babysitter didn't forget and if she did that we can get another one soon.
Also the cancer shoot I'm having on May 3rd is doing well (thanks to all who who have donated prizes or otherwise.)
That's all for now.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

OOPS Sorry It Has Been So Long

I didn't even realize it had been so long since my last post. Well lets see what has happened.
Friday we had roast beef and yorkshire pudding for papa's 60th birthday. Taylor so loves birthday parties although it was just the 6 of us.
Saturday I have no idea what the girls did I played darts all day, and won. Then we had a "adult" birthday party for dad. While Uncle Daniel and Auntie Linda babysat and gave Taylor popcorn which she just "lubs"
Sunday we didn't do a whole lot of anything.
Monday I took the girls swimming in the morning and Fabian took them to the park after supper.
Eastynn is teething AGAIN and not happy about it. She cried so hard this morning I took her to the doctor thinking she had something seriously wrong and nothing. Oh well. She is a little happier now.
That's all for now

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Jay. & Day 2 Of The New Schedule

Well I'm finally tring to get up early which is absoutely killing me the main reason cause I'm avoiding naps and still not falling asleep at a great time. Oh well I'm sure that will sort itself out in a day or two maybe a few hours. The girls are adjusting nicely going to bed better and what not. The chores are all getting done.
Eastynn is finally starting to say a few words she says mum and daddy of course Pebbles. Now she is saying up and hot its cute.
I'm just running out of the house to go get my hair done. Yippee and Fabian is taking the girls to the park.
And I want to wish Jason a very happy birthday from all of us we love you dearly.
That's all for now

Monday, April 07, 2008

Day One Of Our Schedule

Today was day one of our schedule. It had a few glitches but nothing huge. It was pretty great. But oh my goodness am I tired. I hope to keep it going for all of our sakes and the houses sake.
Well that's all for now, cause I'm tired.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Trying schedules AGAIN

I can't believe how many times I have tried this but its going to start again.
Everyone is starting to forget things so things need to be more organized. We are all getting grumpy so something needs to be done so everyone knows what to expect instead of just flying by the seat of our pants and this way we have activities to do everyday.
Anyway will keep everyone posted to let you know how well things are not going.
That's all for now