Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Park

Park days have been few and far between this year. The weather is very strange it rains for 3 day then is nice then rains then will be nice. Thankfully the nice days fall on weekends mother nature is cruel but she still gives us our weekends.
We went to the park on June 13th it was beautiful. Taylor and I rode our bikes to the park and daddy and Eastynn drove but took her bike too. She still has a hard time steering. The girls had such a blast there. At the park they have this spinner you sit in it and the momentum just keeps spinning you. I had a hard time stopping Taylor on it cause I was laughing so hard. Eastynn is so much better at the park, she has a lot more fun she likes the slides a lot now.
We could hear something at the stampede ground so Taylor and I rode our bike down there and there was chuckwagon races so we phoned dad and told him to bring Eastynn down the kids watched the horses and Fabian and I watched a race or 2.
We went back to the park and then headed home for supper. Not long after we get home Taylor reaches behind her grabs her back and says "oh I think I threw out my back on the bike ride." She is so funny sometimes you just gotta love her.
That's all for now

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