Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

Taylor had her graduation it was so sweet. First Miss Fedor gave all the students some little graduation hats, that were adorable. Then she handed them out each an indiviual award, Taylor received the brightest smile award. That made my hear melt. After that they had a slide show, basically had what the kids favorite things in kindergarten were and what they want to do when they grow up and what they will need. Taylor said when she grows up she wants to be a pet doctor and she will need a telescope. PRICELESS. After the presentations the kids did some dances and took some pictures together. After we left we went to DQ there was all 4 of us Huber's, Grandma Mellor, Jessica and her sister Morgan, her mom Lynn and her Grandma Kathy (they drove Taylor to school everyday and we brought Jess home) It was a great last day of school.
That's all for now

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