Monday, April 05, 2010

Girls getting new bikes

On Thursday night we gave the girls there brand new bikes. They were there Easter presents but considering Fabian was going to Sask on Friday we decided to give them to them early so he could see there faces.
Taylor was really excited for the surprise. Eastynn didn't even care.
So me and Fabian went outside so we could video tape there faces when they came out seemed like a good idea until I caught Taylor peeking through the window. What can you do.
They both were so excited. I am really glad they both got new bikes. We are still waiting to get them there new helemts hopefully tomorrow.
I was surprised that Eastynn couldn't pedal a 12" bike but can do the 10". Taylor is having a little bit of trouble getting started on hers but once she gets going she's good. Since we have got them we have spent countless hours outside riding bikes.
That's all for now

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