Monday, April 12, 2010


Easter Sunday was fun. We got up in the morning. Taylor first of course. She got her Easter basket we waited about an hour and then we woke up Eastynn and she got her Easter basket. Just before lunch time we had a Easter Egg Hunt for the girls. They loved that over a week later they are still having Easter Egg hunt's with each other. We got dressed and went to Pam and Shane's it didn't take long before both girls went to play with Kennedy and then I didn't see them much for the rest of the day.
We had another Easter egg hunt later in the day but this time little Kingston was involved. Him and Eastynn got the same amount of eggs 11 I think and Taylor doubled them.
Taylor was so good at supper she ate everything. Eastynn on the other hand was being a little brat. Finally I started ignoring her then she wanted me. Finally there was room at the table so I moved and went to the table and it took about 5 minutes before she finally started to eat and she surprisingly ate everything on her plate. Was a great day. Although we missed daddy who was visiting his parents.
That's all for now

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