Saturday, March 06, 2010

Skating For School

I know I haven't been writing but not much has been going on. Or at least with Taylor being in school I don't really know what she does much there. She has been on a couple field trips. Last week she went to the dentist office. This week she went to Windmill Garden Center where we had our Christmas pictures done. Next week is the firs station.
This week on Friday they also went skating, they are going next Friday as well I am not sure if she will go next Friday depending on how she feels from the dental surgery.
Anyway, she still is not very good at skating but by the end of the hour she was doing much better. I really don't know how to teach her. She will get it eventually though and she had fun....I think.
Eastynn on the other hand HATED it. She was cold and miserable sitting on the bench waiting.
That's all for now

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