Sunday, March 07, 2010

Another Day At The Park

We are totally taking advantage of this beautiful weather.
Today we went to a park in Southridge its a amazing little park. The ground is all made of recycled tires which makes for minimal scrapes and bruises, but not for Taylor today, she had a rough go at the park but shook it off pretty quick when I asked her if we should go home. She was wanting to play hide and seek and turn around and went to run under the bridge but misjudged the height and ran right into it with the top of her head and some how caught her nose both which are a little swollen and bruised. She has also been complaining about her teeth over the last couple days, so thank goodness they are getting fixed on Thursday.
Eastynn loves the park. I chased her all day she really likes when she is chased. She also likes the swing but not to high. She is not a fan of the slide for some reason. She will go down if I hold her hand though. She likes screaming daddy look at me, generally cause he is with Taylor and I am with her.

We also cleaned a little today. I made the girls chore charts and have decided maybe its time to give them a allowance instead of buying them everything they want I am hoping this works.
That's all for now

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