Sunday, March 28, 2010

Eastynn's Screening

Eastynn had a screening on Friday that was directed at children 3-5.
She started of by hiding behind my leg and not giving the lady anything. She warmed up just a touch, enough to get some words out of her. Eastynn talked some and it looks like she will to need some speech they are going to make a appointment and come to the house to assess her. She wasn't that great at following instructions but got more than I thought she would and when she didn't get what the lady was asking her I knew exactly where her mind was, she is a smart little cookie.
Then she was suppose to move on to the motor skills part and she'd have nothing to do with those ladies. I intially thought it was a preschool screening but it was more directed to kindergarten so I wasn't worried so we just left.
I did talk to the one lady and she suggested we put Eastynn in some preschool classes next year which we had every intention of doing. I also asked about the potty training and she suggested maybe taking her to the doctor to see if there is a problem or if Eastynn is just being stubborn. So if we make no progress after the Easter Break I will make a appointment. Hopefully all will be well.
That's all for now

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