Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday....NO NO NO Great Friday

It was a perfect day, so simple but so perfect.

Taylor and I made cookies for papa's birthday in the morning. Then Taylor and Jo made banana muffins. After that Jo and I got to go to the mall and pick up gifts hers to take to England and papa's birthday gift. Then we all went down to Police Point Park I have taken the girls there every year since well before Eastynn was born for sure. They always have baby chicks, pheasants, and bunnies which are fun for a little bit the girls weren't so interested in them this year last year we spent hours with the chicks. We all roasted some hot dogs over a fire it was awesome. Had a little picnic. Then we went and painted Easter Eggs, with wax and everything it was fun being there with my babies and my parents, my husband and brother. It was so nice to have Jo there and Pam, Maddy and Kenny. The more family the better always in my opinion. There was some lady that came by and snapped Taylor's picture. It ended up being in the news paper right underneath the date on papa's birthday, to cool. It's days like this that you can look back and know your are truly blessed in your life, I hope to have countless more days like this.

That's all for now

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