Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Ready For Aug Long

So tomorrow I will spend most of my day getting ready for our big yearly trip to Saskatchewan. We only go to Sask. twice a year but I truly enjoy this one (not that I don't enjoy Christmas) the roads are a lot safer than in December and the girls have tons of kids to play with. I was thinking this year we are going to have our hands full. Last year there was 7-8 kids depending on the day and 3 of those kids weren't mobile this year there is going to be 12 kids again 3 not mobile kind of a scary thought. But what is scarier next year there will be at least 13 with only one not mobile. WOW
So Fabian is going to work and I will be packing and entertaining the little ones. Once he gets home hopefully all we will have to do is load the van and take off. We need to make a stop or 2 on our way out but hopefully that won't waste a lot of time. And I am hoping the girls do bug us for a couple hours but fall asleep around 8 or 9 then it will be a nice drive out there and we will have some good solid time out at the lake.
I hope the weather is nice as this year we are going to sleep in a tent instead of going back into town every night, this way the girls get to hang out with the kids every night.
I'm not sure I will get to post while we are out there but I will post once I get home with some pictures too.
That's all for now

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday in Calgary

Yesterday we went to Calgary for Fabian's 1 year check up and I am glad to report he is still cancer free.
Me and the girls did some shopping while Fabian was at his doctors appointment, I wish I could have been there with him but they don't like children there and we didn't have a sitter. Shopping was fun and exhausting.
After Fabian's appointment we went to Ryan and Lisa's house and then headed to Chucke Cheese. Well Fabian, Taylor, Ryan, and Nick (Lisa's son) went in one vehicle and Me, Eastynn, Lisa, and Shelby went in our vechile we went to to Toys R Us. We got Taylor the Dora's doll house for her birthday and bought all the accesories we could find. Ryan and Lisa bought her the rest of the accesories so everything they had at Toys R Us we bought except baby brother and sisters room cause they didn't have baby brother and sister.
Then we met up with the guys and Taylor had some pizza and fun and then went back to Ryan and Lisa's so Taylor could open her presents. She loved it all it was great even though she got them like a week early.
Eastynn was putting on a show for Ryan and Lisa she would stand on there bottom stair and say un, doo, eee (1,2,3) and jump usually doing a belly flop or something like that. I thought Lisa was going to pee herself.
Then it was the long drive home, but all was good.
That's all for now

Sunday Air Show

On Sunday we went to the airshow with John M. and Donna W. in Lethbridge. I really enjoyed it, well I think everyone did except little miss Taylor. It was pretty neat all the demonstrations they did. Some where just aireals, some where demo's of fights in Afganistan, stars (rescue demo). They dropped some fake bombs in some of the demonstrations and that really really scared Taylor. Not much to tell about it except it was amazing, very hot out there and Taylor was scared out of her mind.
That's all for now

Friday Fair/Midway

I didn't get as many pics as I would have liked but we went to the fair with the Painter girls it was a good time.
Eastynn stayed at my moms till about 5:30 so the girls got to go on a lot of stuff before she came.
The girls went on the roller coaster and Brooklynne hated it I think that scared Taylor cause she normally loves it.
They really liked the house of mirrors and it gave me and Becky quite the laugh to see them walk into the mirrors lol it never got old. The slide at the end was so so fast Taylor even got a little burn on her elbow from it. And Brooklynne just about came off the side a few times and usually ended up being head first and upside down by the end of the slide.
There was a few others that they went on over and over and over again but its all good.
We took the girls to the petting zoo and they freaked out there cause we bought them food to feed the goats and they tried to get all the food at once.
Later when I picked Eastynn up she was only able to go on the little train and the tug boat which was really quite fast she wasn't even aloud on the carousal which made me so mad. She has fun though on the couple she was able to go on.
That's all for now

Friday Kiddie Parade

On Friday morning we went and dropped Fabian off at work and went and got Grandma Mellor for the kiddie Parade. The Kiddie Parade the girls enjoyed way more. I got them some balloon hats. We sat on the curb instead of some chairs this day. Taylor still mostly wandered around but Eastynn sat on the curb clapping and waving to all the kids and the floats well everyone actually.
After the parade Grandma took us to walmart and bought the girls cowgirl hats although they didn't stay on there heads that much.
That's all for now

Thursday Swimming

On Thursday after the parade and some shopping we went swimming. I was trying to tucker my little ones out while having some fun to get them ready for the parade the next day. I love the new camera for out at the pool its awesome.
That's all for now

Thursday Parade! (The big one)

On Thursday morning we got up early to take the girls to the parade. It was nice cause Fabian gets the morning off the day of the big parade.
We had fun although the girls were more interested in the treats they got then the floats. Oh well its fun to hang out down there with Grandma Mellor cause we sit right outside her store.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Holy Crow Sorry

I know I haven't been posting but not much to post at all.
Last Wednesday we went to the swimming pool just me and the girls, Fabian was working. We walked over to the pool that seemed to take forever. Anyway we met a mommy Denise and her little girl Taylor that were in swimming classes with Eastynn. Taylor's daddy also use to work for my daddy way back when. That was fun but other than that we haven't been doing much of anything.
Tomorrow is the parade. Friday is the kiddies parade and then we are going to the fair with Becky and Brooklynne so there should definately be pictures to post then.
Well Taylor is having a little melt down right now. And soon its the beginning of our bedtime routine, bath time, story/snack time, kisses and tucking in and then peaceful time.
That's all for now.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Finally Got A Job

That's right I finally got a new job. I'm working from home and occasionally out of the office at a company called Expedia Cruise Ship Centers. Right as of now I don't know a whole lot about it but that you all need to start booking through me, soon.
Here is my actual website: please bookmark this page. You can book trips, hotels, flights and stuff through the website or me which ever.
That's all for now

Ya ya ya I've been slacking

Not much has been going on with us lately. We wake up in the morning and chill out till just after lunch. Then Eastynn will have a nap and Taylor will play outside while I either play on the computer or clean. Once Eastynn wakes up from her nap we usually spend till supper outside then come in for supper and then back outside till bath time then its bath time. Then we wake up and do it all again. BORING.
That's all for now.

Friday, July 04, 2008

First Time At Outdoor Pool

On Wednesday I decided to take the girls to the outdoor pool. The pool is split into 3 different sections. We only stayed in the very shallow end, Taylor could stand up in most of the shallow end and Eastynn couldn't touch anywhere. So needless to say Eastynn didn't like it much. Taylor thought it was ok, but if we were to go back we would probably go to one with a slide in the shallow end. But all in all it was ok. Eastynn caught a little nap at the pool too.
That's all for now

Canada Day Fireworks

After Logan's birthday party we went down to Kin Coulee Park to watch the fireworks. The first picture shows you all of the people down there it was absolutely crazy down there, but that is part of the fun. I have been going down to Kin Coulee park to watch the fireworks ever since I got pregnant with Taylor so hopefully it will be a tradition.
We also but the girls so little light up magic wands. They really like those and it kept them occupied until the fireworks actually started.
Taylor again didn't like them she wanted someone to cover her ears throughout the whole show. Eastynn on the other hand loved them and couldn't get enough of them. I honestly would have thought Eastynn wouldn't have liked them and Taylor would but oh well.
That's all for now

Logan's Birthday

On Tuesday we went to Logan's Birthday Party. The girls really love going to Velvet and Darren's place. Usually cause there is something fun going on there, weather it be a birthday or christmas. Taylor really likes the "jumpoline."
That's all for now