Eastynn has been teething for what seems like forever. I bought some stuff in Calgary that worked awesome but can't find it here in the Hat. So dad and grandma will have to pick some up while up in Calgary. I got some teething tablets for the mean time and some Motrin and Tylenol not sure which one would help the most. We are rotating teething rings from the fridge every hour or so. They seem to help a little. I also got her this duck from the Calgary zoo it lights up and quacks different songs and she loves it so much it's going to suck when the batteries run out.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Zoo
Today we went to the zoo we seen a lot of animals mostly the African animals. Uncle Jason has a sore foot so we didn't get to stay very long but like Chuck E Cheese we probably will go back.
That's all for now.
Day At Chuck E Cheese
Yesterday day we went to Chuck E Cheese. We were suppose to go to to Calaway Park but it was raining cats and dogs. But we did get some extra passes to go another day. But we also bought some season passes they were half price and that is only $3 more than a regular day pass.
Anyway they have really awesome pizza there. It was really cool that when you walk in they stamp your hand with ink that you can only see under a black light. So that you leave with the child you came with a good saftey idea, it would discourage potential child predators.
Taylor had a lot of fun I think we may go back sometime this week.
That's all for now.
I'll post some pictures when we get home.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Some Funny Pictures
Here are a few funny pictures of Taylor over the last few days.
2 Pictures outside She has dads shoes on, her underwear over top of her pants and a backpack on.
The other pictures is of her eating broccoli I had cut some up for her but she decided to eat the entire piece. Not sure what broccoli is called in it whole for if its a bunch or a head.
That's all for now.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Circus
Yesterday we went to the circus. Wow. That can cost a small fortune. Taylor and Fabian went for a ride on the elephant looked pretty cool but the elephant only went around the ring once. Oh well. The acts were geared more towards adults not a lot of animals or clowns. It was OK though.
Eastynn 5 Months Already
Eastynn is 5 months Already I can't believe it. She is starting to become a real person, she is doing so much more. She is eating rice cereal I started off slowly then didn't think she was ready so I stopped but then I started cause she just seemed to be nursing all the time. So we started again and now she eats it 3 times a day usually 10 am, 4 pm, and 10 pm. I love and so does she she is much happier and sleeps a lot better. This may sound weird but she had her first nap in her crib yesterday, she napped for 3 hours. She sleeps in her crib at night till about 6am then gets into bed with Fabian and I. And holy smokes can she talk, it was non stop yesterday. She is such a little angel.
That's all for now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
The New Website
The new website is up and running I'm really loving it. Its a lot of work but its worth it.
I'm taking all the post from this site and slowly transfering it over there but that doesn't mean I won't be posting here.
And on the website there will be some pictures on more than one page.
That's all for now.
I'm taking all the post from this site and slowly transfering it over there but that doesn't mean I won't be posting here.
And on the website there will be some pictures on more than one page.
That's all for now.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Once Again
This time no excuses and no stpping Taylor is going to be potty trained yesterday was our first day, she did ok. But like I said no excuses we always had to go out of town while potty training but this time she will just have to continue at Uncle Jay's.
Eastynn has been good her motor skills are getting better all the time. She can grab things a lot better now. She can also roll over one way pretty good now.
That's all for now.
Eastynn has been good her motor skills are getting better all the time. She can grab things a lot better now. She can also roll over one way pretty good now.
That's all for now.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Our Big Night Out
Yesterday was a big night out for Fabian and I. We had a wedding to go to and a dart banquet. We had Uncle Daniel and Linda all lined up to babysit.
We went to the wedding of an old friend Angela and Derek, I must say if they read this its about time you two tied the knot and you both looked great last night. The girls did come to the wedding and we got some awesome family pictures taken last night I'll post a few here and the rest on the website.
Then we headed to the dart banquet. I had so much fun yesterday, its been a really long time since I had that much fun its amazing how dancing can make you feel so good. I should listen to Ellen Degeneres more often. I got to party with most of my friend and we decided that Eastynn would be on formula for awhile so I could have a few drinks last night.
So don't forget to check out my other site: http://taylorandeastynn.piczo.com it getting pretty good.
That's all for now.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Day in Calgary

Yesterday we went to Calgary, Fabian had some appointments. So my mom, the girls and I went to my brother Jay's house, to meet his room mate Jo (Josephine). She's pretty awesome. Then we went to the mall where Jason works. We went to Chinook Mall, we didn't get to see Jason much. But Taylor did ride the carousel about 4 times twice with me, once with Jo, and once with Jay. We did a bit of shopping we didn't buy much except for Taylor. She was getting a little crazy being all couped up in the stroller and she would get a little wild when she was let out of the stroller (she probably wasn't wild I was just scared if she went to far away from me which was anything more than 5 feet). After Jay got off work we went back to his place and met up with Fabian. Jay lives really close to the hospital so Fabian just caught a cab back to the his house. We ordered some chinese and headed home. Eastynn was such a good girl besides when she was hungry you hardly knew she was with us.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
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