Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Too Funny

Eastynn has been awfully cute lately. Last night she was sleeping and she laughs in her sleep. It totally cracks me up even if I'm sleeping and I hear her I'll wake up and just listen to her laugh. I think she almost luaghs more in her sleep then while shes awake.
Taylor is also pretty funny the kid can sleep almost anywhere. I just wish she'd do at the same time everyday.
And as of right now still no more information about Fabian going to Calgary. But I'll be sure to post as soon as we know anything.
And me not much new with me. I played darts on the weekend did ok made a bit of money but not much. My shoulders are getting very sore and have been very sore for about 4 weeks now, I'm going to get a massage some time soon.
We are also going to go get our family pictures done soon. Hopefully within a week or so.
That's all for now.

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