Wednesday, April 04, 2007

2 Milestones

Eastynn has reached 2 milestones over the past few days. One is that she can get her thumb in her mouth, instead of the whole fist she usually ends up with the whole fist but sometimes she gets lucky and only gets the thumb. This is a habit that her mommy had for a very long time as a child I think I was about 9 when I quit sucking my thumb, but I didn't require braces or anything. Also a habit that her big sister has too, but she only sucks her thumb when she's upset or tired. I hope she doesn't suck her thumb as long as me but if she does so be it. I turned out fine.
The second one is she started reaching for objects she can't really grab on to the object all that well but she's trying.
That's all for now.

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