Friday, October 20, 2006

What a day.

Its 11:15 and its been a very long day already. I have been sick for the last 3 days and Taylor is really testing me today. Poor me poor girl I don't know who's got it worse. Taylor seems to be getting into everything lately, spilling everything and its really hard for me to keep my composure. Today she tried to poop on the potty instead it was all over the house AGAIN. I know I should have probably caught her in the act but I was laying down cause I had a headache like I've never had before. It was different than most of my headaches and even different then my migraines, but just as painful. So it took me a hour and a half to clean her up and the carpets. I've been trying to keep my cool because the poor girl is teething but its really hard. She has been so whiney lately I just don't know what to do. But I do love the fact that she likes to be cuddled at bed time I just wish she was like that in the morning. Anyway enough of me complaing I must go on with the rest of this horrible day.

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