Today we started getting ready for Halloween at 2:00. We first headed over to Grandma Mellor's where we discovered the Taylor's Halloween costume maybe a little to small and the weather wouldn't allow for that today, it was cold. So we headed to Wal-Mart and bought a bigger costume. The ones in the picture is the one that is to small, although we bought her the same one just in a different color. Hopefully someone will send us a picture of the other one.
Then we started the trick or treating. We went to Auntie Heather's and had a nice little visit there. Then we headed to Great Grandma Chisholm's and we missed her she wasn't home but that didn't stop us from getting candy. Then headed over to Uncle Kirby's another miss we actually passed Auntie Cindy on the road, we did miss the candy ther unfortunately. Next we headed over to Auntie Velvet's finally someone was home, we had a short little visit before we headed off to Jeremy's and Steph's place and again no one was home. So next we head of to Shane and Pam's they were not home but Maddy was there to give us some candy. To finish off the trick or treating with the family we stopped at Colin and Chris' and got a hand full of candy from them. It was quite a full day of visiting family in and out of the van all day. We didn't have a chance to make it to Uncle Daniel's before Taylor got grouchy. After all that we went to Scotty and Tracey's and they were not home but that's ok cause Taylor fell asleep before we got there. So she had a nap and then we went trick or treating to 2 of our neighbor's houses the Rhodas' and the Campbells. And that was Taylor's fun filled day and she got quite the little haul for a 2 year old.