Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Swimming (July 14, 2011)

Today we didn't do much at home just kind of unwinding and putting things away from Elkwater but we did go to family swim, something we are going to try and hit up as often as we can for the rest of the summer.
We did go shopping for new swim suits I noticed in Elkwater Eastynn is far to small for the one we brought out and well Taylor just never seems to stop growing. I got Taylor her first one at Winners for $15. Then I got them each one at Please Mum for $10 each. We also found Paul Frank ones I was so excited Eastynn's was on sale for $12 and Taylor's for $16 and I got up to the till and for both is was $15, so with a deal like that we went and got Lil E another suit she picked Barbie is was only $6 too.
That's all for now

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