Monday, February 21, 2011

Eastynn Preschool Olympics

Eastynn had a preschool olympics night. It was so much fun. They did opening ceremonies. They had a lot of different stations. They had figure skating, where the kids stepped on paper those were the skates they were given ribbons to twirl and had music. There was also hockey were the kids got to take shots on moms/dads. Also a curling station where either the parent threw bean bags and the kids "sweeped" or vice versa. A cross country skiing station where we used paper as skis and card board tubes as poles. Then there was a biathalon the kids ran down the hallway then laid on their tummies and threw bean bags through a board with holes in it. Then there was a speed skating station again paper on the feet and you skated around cones. Then the last station was bobsled was so fun the kids sat on a little skateboard type thing and the parents pushed the kids around cones.
After we did all the event they gave all the kids little medals it was such a wonderful night we are very lucky Eastynn is in the program she is in.
That's all for now

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