Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beautiful Photos

This week we were so lucky to have got photos done at Madchen Studios. Rachel out did herself again. She did our Christmas photos too.
I am so happy to have her do our family photos. Just makes sense my dad and Rachel's husband worked along side each other and were always teasing each other if you can believe my dad would do that. I also graduated with her brother and am friends with her sister in law. Like I said just makes sense never mind her talent.

That's all for now

Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Day Weekend

This weekend was very busy. Calvin, Brooklynn, Luke, and Reid came down from Sask. so Saturday we spent some time with Calvin and Luke in the morning and afternoon. Brooklynn was sick so she stayed at the hotel hoping to get better. We went skating in the afternoon but Luke fell asleep in the truck on the way to the skating rink so he didn't come either. The girls got to skate with daddy and even Uncle Daniel walked around with Taylor for awhile it was a nice way to spend the afternoon.
We went to Medicine Hat buffet for supper and then to the hotel for a swim. We didn't stay to long cause I wanted to keep bedtime as close to usual as possible.

Sunday Brooklynn and the boys came over in the morning while Cal and Daniel went to Suffield. We ate lunch and decided to give skating a go again. I had the wrong time though which was okay cause Luke fell asleep on the way to the rink again so he got to have a nap and try skating he looked like he may have enjoyed himself had the skates stayed on his feet, he is still pretty little though. So once we were done skating we went swimming. Reid had a blast, Luke had fun for awhile but I think it was to busy for him to feel comfortable. He so reminds me of how Eastynn use to be. They didn't stay very long. The girls had so much fun though Taylor had a girl from her class last year at the pool and her little brother and Eastynn are in the same class as well.
We ordered in supper last night and then visited for a bit before we said our good byes. Then we had our Sunday night rootbeer floats Taylor's favorite part of Sundays.

Then last night Jason and mom came over. Jason brought us all gifts from Hawaii he got me a lei that has little mini bottles of vodka(very cool), He got Fabian a decoration for either his car or desk. its a hand doing the hang loose sign, and the girls he got them ukulele's.
He also did hair last night. Cut Taylor's a few inches, Eastynn's about inch, cut Fabians pretty short, he did moms like she always gets and he dyed more gray.
I enjoyed my family day weekend with my family.
That's all for now

Valentines Day

Valentines day was really nice this year. I woke up to the girls giving me a beautiful card and 3 roses from Fabian. Then after preschool was done I got a cute little card from Eastynn. Then after Taylor was done another very nice card. Home-made cards are the best.
That all for now.

Eye Appointments

The girls have also recently been for eye exams.
Taylor wants glasses really bad cause some of her closest friends wear glasses. Unfortunately for Taylor her eyes are perfect, lucky for mom and dad though.
Eastynn on the other hand needs glasses which doesn't make it any easier for Taylor. We are having a heck of a time finding glasses to fit Eastynn so finally we had to order them online.
They are royal purple and teal blue
That's all for now.

Grandma Mellor's Birthday

We celebrated Grandma Mellor's birthday on Tuesday Feb 8. Eastynn and I made cake and cupcakes she was a awesome help by keeping the beaters and spoons clean by licking them.
Taylor is always so excited to celebrate, I love that about her.
We made Grandma's favorite supper then had cupcakes and ice cream after it was just a small celebration but some times they are the best ones.


The girls have discovered that they enjoy skating. Taylor has went twice with her class and I took Eastynn once its always a lot of fun to watch. They are getting me eager to possibly buy a pair of skates so we can go as a family and stay active.
That's all for now

Girls Dentist Appointments

The girls had there checkups with the dentists. I was very surprised and very happy that neither of my girls had cavities. I was also proud of Eastynn that she wasn't as shy as I had expected her to be. I didn't book her a cleaning cause I was scared she wouldn't like the dentist. She did get a cleaning after wards though and did great with that.
My girls are all good for 6 months and now we have a much better brushing schedule.
That's all for now

Good Apple

Taylor has been waiting all year to be the good apple at school. Every week shw wasn't chosen she shed a few tears. Finally she was the good apple. She is bascially the special helper for the whole week. She got to write a story and take in pictures of herself.
That's all for now

Eastynn Preschool Olympics

Eastynn had a preschool olympics night. It was so much fun. They did opening ceremonies. They had a lot of different stations. They had figure skating, where the kids stepped on paper those were the skates they were given ribbons to twirl and had music. There was also hockey were the kids got to take shots on moms/dads. Also a curling station where either the parent threw bean bags and the kids "sweeped" or vice versa. A cross country skiing station where we used paper as skis and card board tubes as poles. Then there was a biathalon the kids ran down the hallway then laid on their tummies and threw bean bags through a board with holes in it. Then there was a speed skating station again paper on the feet and you skated around cones. Then the last station was bobsled was so fun the kids sat on a little skateboard type thing and the parents pushed the kids around cones.
After we did all the event they gave all the kids little medals it was such a wonderful night we are very lucky Eastynn is in the program she is in.
That's all for now

Wacky Hair Day

Taylor sure does love spirit themed days at school. In January she had wacky hair day and pajama day. I think we did pretty good this year on the hair. We also straightened Eastynn's hair for school that day.
That's all for now.

New Bedtime Routine

After way to long of having my kids watching tv in their rooms till the fall asleep and climbing into bed with us every night. I finally decided to jump in with both feet. We started putting them in bed with NO tv and earlier at 7:30. I let them look at books for a half hour and then it is lights out. It has been awesome we have our bedroom back, my girls are finally getting the sleep they need.
I think as parents we often think changes are going to be so hard on them and sometimes we just need to jump in and get it done. I have good people in my family that help me realize this.
That's all for now

January Blues and Flu's

So I haven't posted in a very long time my apologies.

January was a very long month. Taylor had the flu, Eastynn had the flu, Taylor had a cold, Eastynn had a cold we have all been passing sicknesses around.

I was down and out for almost the entire month. I had a ear and throat infection (unlike nov and dec with sinus infections). Also had a rapid heart rate for awhile. Went to the Er and had lots of test done. Urine test, blood tests, chest x-ray and a EKG. I was sent home and told to get a echiocardiogram. Then a few days later I was called in to see Dr Foley. He was very concerned with my tests and just with how I looked so he sent me back to get blood tests. He figured I had emphysema and a over active thyroid and possibly mono, from the blood work they had done at the hospital. My tests all came back clear thank god and my blood work shows that I am super healthy. So he was stumped, that's when it hit me maybe its TMJD, which is a basically inflammation of the jaw joint which can mimick so many other sicknesses. Everything I have been experiencing could have been caused by this disorder.
So I went to the dentist and he confirmed it. He put me on anti-inflammitory's and gave me a bunch of stuff I needed to do. I have been seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist and slowly very very slowly been getting better.

That's all for now