Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visit With Grandma and Papa Huber

This pass weekend Grandma and Papa finally came and seen us. Papa's health has made it difficult for them to come out and see us thankfully they made it. The last time Grandma came out was with Auntie Janet for my dad's funeral and I can't remember when it was that papa came out.

The girls were so excited when they got here. I don't think Eastynn has talked that much in ages.

Taylor lost her other tooth the day they came here only 4 days after she lost her first one, daddy pulled that one out for her. So not only did Grandma and papa visit but so did the tooth fairy.

On Saturday we went shopping with Grandma. Papa stayed home and just watched some tv. Grandma got lots of Christmas shopping done and got a few just because items. Taylor was very eager to spend her tooth fairy money. She bought a Zhu Zhu Pet. Cute but a little bit annoying. They are a lot better than having a really hamster. Eastynn had a complete melt down cause she didn't get one too. Wasn't fair to get her one and Taylor used her money from the tooth fairy so grandma got Eastynn one and Taylor a little something else that the girls actually do share.

Sunday I went out shopping and got some Christmas shopping done. Then Grandma and I got to go out by ourselves for just a bit. We visited for a little and then Grandma and Papa took off for Regina.

It was a short visit but a long overdue one, I think the girls do much better when they come here.

We miss you Grandma and Papa thanks for everything.

That's all for now

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