Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

This mother's day Taylor was so excited about the stuff she had made at school that she woke up super early to give it to me (the night after our dart banquet). She gave me a letter they wrote, she gave Eastynn another craft she had made so Eastynn had something to give to me. Taylor is so thoughtful. Later that morning she brought me a glass of juice and a bowl of corn pops, too cute.
I finally got out of bed had a shower and went to my moms we went out for brunch. Fabian took the girls to McDonalds. Then while we were out for brunch the lodge actually had a petting zoo and pony rides and Fabian took the girls to that. Then Taylor came shopping with me, mom, grandma and the aunties.
Later that night Fabian made me and mom supper it was fantastic.
Sadly after that me and mom went to prayers for my late great aunt Irene. What a beautiful and special lady.
That's all for now

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