Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More Sledding

Today we went out to Calvin and Brooklynn's place to go sledding. Calvin always pulls the girls behind the ski-doo. Taylor enjoys it a lot. Eastynn I think is torn I don't know if she likes it or not.
Luke rode on the quad with Fabian and I. The girls rode in the sled with Brooklynn.
After Luke was done Eastynn came on the quad with us. Then Taylor came on with us for a bit. Taylor also went for a ride with uncle Calvin on the ski-doo too. She loves that kind of stuff.
We had a good time and a good supper and good visit afterwards.
Tomorrow we are still undecided if its more sledding or more R&R or possibly a horse drawn sleigh ride.
That's all for now


The first real day we were here we went sledding. Grandma was pulling the kids around the yard when we finally got dressed we took the girls to the hill. We didn't end up staying to long. Taylor loved it, Eastynn not so much. I think each girl went down 3 times we came home and had some hot chocolate. The rest of the day was just some R & R.
The next day was a whole lot of R & R the only real thing that took place was that Grandma Huber's friend Lois stopped by to visit. Taylor really likes Lois.
That's all for now

Fabian's Birthday/Boxing Day/ Huber Christmas

On Christmas we didn't get to bed till late late late, so we knew on the 26th we wouldn't leave until very late rather than 10ish like we normally do. We left at 2 pm.
We arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's at 9ish. Then we opened gifts and obviously played with them.
We visited with everyone and had a little bite to eat and headed to bed, it was a long day.
On the plus side the drive is getting much better when you tell Taylor how many movies it is till we get there she still doesn't understand time.
That's all for now

Chisholm Christmas

In the afternoon we headed over to Auntie Velvet's. This year was much different than other years. This year of course we had the addition of cute little Jackson. But on the other hand we were missing so many people. Dad of course and he will be missed every year forever and ever. Also missing was Heather, Damien, Kyle and his girl friend Annie. I think just for this year was Kirby, Cindy, Adam and Aaron. Colin, Chris, Alex, Lindsay, Tara, and Nolan. Although Chris, Colin and Nolan showed up just before we left.
The supper was great, my kids got spoiled as usual, and the Chinese gift exchange well that was crazy as usual. We played darts again I am glad cause my dad is gone that we still played the darts. Some catch phrase that was beyond fun. We have some pretty funny people in my family.
That's all for now.

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning Taylor of course was the first person to wake up around 6:30. She was so excited but considering Eastynn didn't go to sleep till after midnight we tried to keep Taylor in bed till 8:00. So we all got up they were so excited and we all enjoyed every second of the gift opening.
There was one sad moment when Grandma Mellor opened a present. I had bought her a present from Papa Mellor. I found a old card that he wrote to her and traced the writing, which really got her. The present I bought for her was an ornament said something along the lines of "Although I will miss you my dear I am spending Christmas in Heaven this year."
After Christmas presents the girls played, Jason went back to bed, Fabian showered and mom hung out with me while I made Christmas brunch which is what my dad made every year Christmas morning.
After breakfast we went on Skype to talk Aunty Glad missed the rest of the Mellor clan though.
Then we all got ready and headed out for the Chisholm Christmas.
That's all for now.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we didn't do much.
I am really trying hard to keep dad's memory alive by doing stuff he use to do. So on Christmas Eve I made dads roastbeef, with yorkshire pudding, mash potatoes with gravy, also broccoli and cheese sauce. It turned out really well.
After supper Taylor went and put out the reindeer food.
Then Taylor, grandma and I went to church.
Taylor went to bed really quite well as usual and Eastynn didn't as usual. I went and laid with her and she fell asleep quite easily. The adults just relaxed after the kids went to bed.
That's all for now

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Random Funny

Tonight watching tv Taylor came up with a Random funny that I thought I would post cause I never want to forget it.
She looks at Fabian and says, "Dad, What's in your wallet?" (From the Capital One Credit Card commercial)
That;s all for now

Princess and the Frog

Last night Fabian had to go to work AGAIN. So I decided to take the girls to a show Grandma Chisholm gave Eastynn money for her birthday so we had a girls night out. It was nice minus the 3 bathroom breaks. Great movie though. I love girls nights out.
Now that I am caught up on 2 weeks of blogs enjoy.
That's all for now

Taylor's Christmas Concert

On Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon and night Taylor had her Christmas concert we only had tickets for the one night but I watched her in 2 of them. It was great so cute.
The pics are from Stephanie Williams she had much better seats than us.
That's all for now

Santa at Papa's friends house Don

Don phoned us a couple weeks ago. Santa was due to arrive at his house on Dec 16. So since it was the same night as Taylor's Christmas concert we only had a chance to run down and look at the lights quick and see Santa. The one pic looks like Eastynn interrogating Santa.
That's all for now.

Eastynn's Birthday/ Grandma and Grandpa Huber come visit

Tuesday was Eastynn's birthday very uneventful day, although the evening the girls throughly enjoyed there surprise of Grandma and Grandpa Huber coming to visit. It seems the entire time they were here Eastynn was opening another present. They brought the girls a huge doll house. It is about 4' high.
We all had Chinese food that night, and since Grandma and Grandpa Huber were here Grandma Mellor got to come to darts for the first time since papa passed away. I think it was awkward for her but I enjoyed having her there.
That's all for now

My Beautiful Babies

I will start off with Eastynn considering these are suppose to be her birthday pictures as well. She got ones with mom and dad and Taylor for some reason didn't. I think due to the fact the only way we could get her to smile is by getting her to run.

Secondly are just a couple pictures of Taylor. The one brought tears to my eyes she is so beautiful. She is growing up so fast.

Last but not least my girls together.

That's all for now

Fabian and My Pictures

Here are some pictures of Fabian and I. I don't know what Petara did but I am very with how good she made me look.

Family Pictures

I am not really a huge fan of the pictures from behind but Eastynn was being super stubborn and it was the only way to get her to look at the camera.

I am a really big fan of the ones on the stairs

I really like the other couple family pictures as well.

Eastynn's Birthday Party

We had Eastynn's birthday party on Sunday cause weekends are usually better for people. Becky was going for surgery on her actual birthday and I was hoping she could actually make it.
Lots of family showed up for her birthday this year which was so nice. We also had Shauna, Anne Marie, Nathan, Jacob and Little Brooklynne.
Once all the kids got here we made a little reindeer out of a pot, googly eyes, pom-noses and construction paper. They turned out great.
We all had some cake such a cool cake. It was made of cup-cakes and half were white cake the other half was chocolate so everyone was happy.
Eastynn got a ton of cool toys right before Christmas which they have been playing with lots since her birthday.
After all the actual party stuff the boys left (cause they were tired from lots of other Christmas parties over the weekend) the girls played with Kenny. That girl is amazing with children she wound them right up but at the same time played them right out.
It was a great birthday party.
That's all for now