Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Crappy Walk In Experience

Tonight I thought I'd take the girls to the doctor. Eastynn has had a runny nose, a little bit of a cough and been pulling at her hair right above her ears. Taylor has sounded like she had a chest cold or something. So I took the girls to the walk-in, I tried the one by our house and there was at least 15 people there I didn't even go in just went to a different one the one by the hospital. It took about 45 minutes to get in. And the doctor checked both girls out in less then 2 minutes he checked Taylor's chest and it was clear didn't even try and see if it could be something else. Then with eastynn he checked her ears and said they were clear as he was walking out the door I asked if it could be teething and he said he didn't know as he proceeded to walk out the door and told me to have a nice night. I'm pretty choked. So not sure what's wrong with the girls but I do know whats NOT wrong with them.
That's all for now.

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