Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Taylor's Halloween Party

Today Taylor had her Halloween party at play school. It wasn't what I expected but I think she enjoyed it. We went to her school and they all were sitting in a circle. Once all the parents and grandparents came in they all came running and we did some edible crafts and then ate them and finally came home. It was cute all the kids in there costumes.
That's all for now.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Little Update

Today Eastynn went only had one nap and on Friday she only had one nap. So I think she maybe slowly weaning herself off the 2 naps a day. Which isn't very good but I guess we will deal with it as it comes.

Also now every time a commercial comes on TV with a toy Taylor asks if Santa can bring her that toy for Christmas. LOL. I asked her what she was going to ask Santa for Christmas and she said a "puter" (computer) which I thought was a pretty big wish for a 3 year old. She wants a puter like daddy's.

That's all for now.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Doctors Appointment Follow Up

So today I went to the doctor for the follow up on my x-rays and they were all normal. Which is fantastic. He is going to send me to a plastic surgeon to get the ganglion removed. I'm pretty nervous. I HATE HOSPITALS, they make me very nervous unless I'm on the maternity ward. I'll let you all know when that is all set up.
That's all for now.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


It hasn't been for very long but Fabian and I finally have our room back to ourselves. I don't expect it to be every night but so far so good. We ended up having eastynn in our bed for about a half hour the first night other than that it has been great. Now we just need to work on Taylor's schedule which was what I was debating about to put them in the same room and then work on her schedule or work on her schedule and then put them in the same room. Well we figured that out anyone. I'm so happy about that.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Taylor's First Field Trip

Taylor went on her first field trip yesterday. I must say she didn't enjoy the destination very much but she did enjoy the bus ride there. I honestly think they could have just drove around the city for awhile and the kids would have been happy. I guess it didn't help that the guy giving the tour at the armouries was talking to the kids as if they were adults. I didn't get a lot of it never mind the kids.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How Could I Forget

I totally forgot we had a huge breakthrough the other night at swimming. After the swimming was done I had Eastynn in the shower to keep her warm while Fabian got all of her stuff together. Taylor wanted to get in the shower as well quite a feat considering she was terrified of the shower for so long. A few months back she had got sun screen in her eyes and I had to physically hold her while I sprayed water in her eyes and she has been traumatized ever since so Friday was awesome.
That's all for now.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Family Swimming Again

Tonight we went swimming again and took a few pictures so I thought I would post them. Eastynn seems to love swimming just as much as Taylor does.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Doctors Appointment

My wrist has been bothering me since Saturday, so my mom convinced me to go to the doctors. I was totally going to go to the doctor but was having a hard time with only one vehicle. Anywho the doctor figures I have a ganglion cyst, but sent me for x-rays as well which I will go get the results on Monday or Tuesday. That appointment will tell us if there are any bone abnormalities. I was totally freaked out because that is initially what they thought was wrong with Fabian. Although I can't see that happening twice in the same family. They said there is not much I can do besides ice it since I'm nursing Eastynn so hopefully that will help. We will see what happens.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Getting Excited

Taylor is certainly getting excited for Christmas ALREADY. Which in turn is making me excited. Last year we went Christmas shopping really early and that was because of Eastynn being born so close to Christmas but I think we will do it again this year. I have thought of 3 big presents for Taylor hopefully Santa will bring one of the gifts.
I'm so excited to go shopping and when I figure out what Eastynn should get that will be awesome.
I don't even think Taylor is excited about Halloween. But that should be fun too.
That's all for now.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So we ended up carving the pumpkin it took a lot longer than I anticipated but it was worth it. It looks pretty darn good. I did all of the carving while Fabian, Taylor, and I gutted it. It also took a few attempts to get the actual stencil on. OH well it looks good. I'm proud of myself my first attempt by myself I use to do it years ago with my parents but that was a long time ago.

Family Day

Today we had a family fun day, with the Collins.We went swimming today for a couple hours it was a lot of fun. We have not went swimming since Eastynn was only a couple months old. She really loved it she was in this flotation device but she could touch the bottom of the pool so it was kind of like a old style walker. (you know the ones you can't buy any more). We invited Kennedy too which was nice she played hard with all the kids and may have got a new babysitting job out of the deal.
And tonight we are going to carve a pumpkin hopefully it turns out good I will take some pictures of the whole thing it should be F-U-N.
Anyway that's all for now.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Taylor's New Schedule

Well now that we got Eastynn on a schedule it is time to work on one for Taylor. I have been noticing that Taylor and I, and Taylor and Fabian are butting heads a lot and I'm thinking it maybe due to her lack of a schedule so it begins we will be making her have a 1-2 hour nap. She has been napping for an hour today and I tried to wake her but with no luck. So maybe once she gets into a routine we can get her napping for one hour and go to bed early HAHA that would be awesome. There is a website that says;
"Your 3 year old needs 10-12 hours of sleep each day. Many 3 year olds take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, while others have given up napping entirely. If s/he seems to be irritable and overtired from lack of sleep, you might schedule a "quiet time" where your child does not have to sleep, but must stay on his/her bed reading or playing quietly. Your child may sometimes sleep during this time."
So I'm kind of hoping for 11 hours at night and a 1 hour nap.
Because right now Eastynn sleeps 11 hours at night and has two 2 hour naps. Which will in a couple months be 11 hours at night and one 3 hour nap which hopefully will be at the same time as Taylor's one hour nap.
That's what we are doing sleep wise.
We are having a huge problem with eating. Taylor will not eat her real meals but wants to snack all day and I would really like that to stop. I'm thinking that she can eat every time Eastynn eats and that means her 3 meals and she can snack every time Eastynn nurses and that is also 3 snacks which is plenty of food for a day.
So hopefully that will keep the peace but pointers are most certainly welcome.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend.

Well we have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. The fact that Taylor's adoption went through was the best news we had for this family since Eastynn was born and equally exciting. I would like to thank everyone for the congrats it means a lot to know how much everyone cares.
On Friday we went to Edmonton for a dart tournament which I didn't do to well at but I got some free time to myself which is needed very badly every time a tournament rolls around. We stayed with Brooklynn on the weekend Calvin was hunting but did make it home I only had a very short visit with both of them. Brooklynn made a wonderful chicken dinner. FANTASTIC even when it was cold.
Today Jason and Jo came down for a Thanksgiving dinner. It was Jo's very first Thansgiving. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving in England. It was really nice to see them. And we got some awesome family photos done today.
Last but not least Eastynn is FINALLY cutting her top tooth and can actually see it. It seems as that took forever.

That's all for now.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


We just recieved a letter in the mail from the courts stating that Fabian is now Taylor's father so we now have a full Huber family we will be going shortly to get Taylor's name legally changed to Taylor Jade Huber. Hehe We are over the moon here. It went through officially on September 28th. So that will be a special day for Fabian and Taylor from this day forward.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Crappy Walk In Experience

Tonight I thought I'd take the girls to the doctor. Eastynn has had a runny nose, a little bit of a cough and been pulling at her hair right above her ears. Taylor has sounded like she had a chest cold or something. So I took the girls to the walk-in, I tried the one by our house and there was at least 15 people there I didn't even go in just went to a different one the one by the hospital. It took about 45 minutes to get in. And the doctor checked both girls out in less then 2 minutes he checked Taylor's chest and it was clear didn't even try and see if it could be something else. Then with eastynn he checked her ears and said they were clear as he was walking out the door I asked if it could be teething and he said he didn't know as he proceeded to walk out the door and told me to have a nice night. I'm pretty choked. So not sure what's wrong with the girls but I do know whats NOT wrong with them.
That's all for now.

Monday, October 01, 2007


On Thursday the girls and I went out to Elkwater with one of my friends Tamara and her son Landon. It was quite a nice weekend although we could have done with walls that went all the way up to the roof not a foot or two shy but thats OK. I figured if my parents and there brothers and sisters all made due we could too. Which we did, just a little different with 2 little ones though. But it was fun the all the kids, played, cried had tantrums. I guess they were being kids. Eastynn got a wicked cold out there too, this is definately the first cold she has ever had I may have thought she has had colds previously but now that she has one I can say that all the one I thought she had before she was probably just cranky.
Other than that nothing really new.
The one picture of Eastynn in the bath is weird she looks so much like Grandpa Mellor.
One picture of Taylor at the park.
One picture of Taylor at night outside while having a fire.
One of Fabian stoking the smoke. LOL
One of cute little Landon after his mom was playing with his hair.
That's all for now.