Well now that we got Eastynn on a schedule it is time to work on one for Taylor. I have been noticing that Taylor and I, and Taylor and Fabian are butting heads a lot and I'm thinking it maybe due to her lack of a schedule so it begins we will be making her have a 1-2 hour nap. She has been napping for an hour today and I tried to wake her but with no luck. So maybe once she gets into a routine we can get her napping for one hour and go to bed early HAHA that would be awesome. There is a website that says;
"Your 3 year old needs 10-12 hours of sleep each day. Many 3 year olds take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, while others have given up napping entirely. If s/he seems to be irritable and overtired from lack of sleep, you might schedule a "quiet time" where your child does not have to sleep, but must stay on his/her bed reading or playing quietly. Your child may sometimes sleep during this time."
So I'm kind of hoping for 11 hours at night and a 1 hour nap.
Because right now Eastynn sleeps 11 hours at night and has two 2 hour naps. Which will in a couple months be 11 hours at night and one 3 hour nap which hopefully will be at the same time as Taylor's one hour nap.
That's what we are doing sleep wise.
We are having a huge problem with eating. Taylor will not eat her real meals but wants to snack all day and I would really like that to stop. I'm thinking that she can eat every time Eastynn eats and that means her 3 meals and she can snack every time Eastynn nurses and that is also 3 snacks which is plenty of food for a day.
So hopefully that will keep the peace but pointers are most certainly welcome.
That's all for now.