Thursday, March 29, 2007

What To Say

Well trying to post lately has been odd. It seems weird to post any of the small things the girls are doing. When Fabian is going through such a hard time. Of course were all going through this but its especially hard on Fabian. But I'll try.
Taylor is getting so smart. She is talking up a storm now a days. Yesterday I decided to do her a favor and take a bunch of her toys from outside in the storage room and bring them in and the ones from inside went out. I think she thinks she has all new toys. I also went out and bought her some new lego. I'd like to get her some more but can't seem to find the toddler lego anywhere, they have lots of the big lego and a lot of the little lego but none of the middle size lego.
Even though she is almost 3 I think she's starting the terrible two's now lots of tantrums over nothing so we have been using time out but she doesn't even really care she goes and stands in the corner but won't correct what she had done earlier. Oh well. And as of next Wednesday we are going to try and get her going to bed at 8 it will take awhile but we'll get it done.
Now as for Eastynn just getting her to sleep in her crib would be nice. She has to sleep with me, in her swing or in the van. I'm going to try just for her naps at first then put her in at night. I don't know weather I'm going to try swaddling her or put one of my shirts in the crib with her so she thinks I'm there. Just hope it works soon. My arms and shoulders hurt from her laying on them. Eastynn is also getting big and starting to talk a lot well babble anyway.
I'd also like to thank everyone for keeping us all in their thoughts and prayers it means a lot to us.
That's all for now

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