Besides my birthday the week was very very very slow, we did a whole lot of nothing cause Taylor's face is still a tad swollen.
Yesterday I had a bridal shower/stagette and Fabian took the girls to Echo Dale with Dan, Linda, Anna, and Lacon. Eastynn must have loved it cause she wanted to go back today.
That's all for now
Sunday, July 24, 2011
My Birthday
I had such a quiet and wonderful birthday. I got a new pair of flip flops from Eva, Fabian and the girls got me a purse and some flowers, mom bought me a new swimsuit and a waterpik that I needed very badly cause of my new splint in my mouth. My mom also took us for supper.
That's all for now
That's all for now
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Dentist Appointments
Saturday I took the girls into the dentist. Both of them have starts of cavities and both did a amazing job at getting their teeth cleaned.
Yesterday I went to the dentist for TENSing and I also went in for a cleaning and checkup. I am also cavity free and they were very happy with how well I clean.
I talked to them about Eastynn knocking her teeth lose and he wasn't concerned and he looked at Taylor's pictures cause I thought perhaps with the teeth cleaning perhaps something clogged the saliva gland and he said it was mumps.
So on teeth front all is good for now.....we will eventually all need a lot of work.
That's all for now
Yesterday I went to the dentist for TENSing and I also went in for a cleaning and checkup. I am also cavity free and they were very happy with how well I clean.
I talked to them about Eastynn knocking her teeth lose and he wasn't concerned and he looked at Taylor's pictures cause I thought perhaps with the teeth cleaning perhaps something clogged the saliva gland and he said it was mumps.
So on teeth front all is good for now.....we will eventually all need a lot of work.
That's all for now
Mumps (July 16th-July 19th)
Taylor woke up Saturday the 16th/Sunday the 17th crying she said her ear hurt. I told her to go back to sleep but she cried pretty hard so I kind of shook the fuzzies out and woke up and gave her some tylenol. I went to the washroom and she was crying so hard that Fabian came up stairs and brought her a ice pack and in a panick called me in the room and said look how swollen her face is. I am not even sure how I got dressed so fast but a few minutes later we were in the car going to the hospital.
It seemed to take forever to get in and the doctor was so confused so he said to stay till 7 am and he would call a specialist in. I asked if we could take her home and he agreed so Fabian and Taylor drove back at 6:30ish. They figure a virus caused the inflamation which then caused a block in the gland and that caused the swelling.
On Monday I was still concerned so I took her into our new dr and he walked in looked at her and said she has mumps then looked her over and looked at the pictures I have of her and he confirmed it was indeed mumps. So now we are just taking it easy till she is 100%.
This is what we woke up to.

This is what she looked like at 10ish Sunday morning

And Sunday afternoon

Sunday Evening

Monday afternoon

Monday Evening

Tuesday afternoon

Wednesday afternoon

Wednesday night

That's all for now
It seemed to take forever to get in and the doctor was so confused so he said to stay till 7 am and he would call a specialist in. I asked if we could take her home and he agreed so Fabian and Taylor drove back at 6:30ish. They figure a virus caused the inflamation which then caused a block in the gland and that caused the swelling.
On Monday I was still concerned so I took her into our new dr and he walked in looked at her and said she has mumps then looked her over and looked at the pictures I have of her and he confirmed it was indeed mumps. So now we are just taking it easy till she is 100%.
This is what we woke up to.

This is what she looked like at 10ish Sunday morning

And Sunday afternoon

Sunday Evening

Monday afternoon

Monday Evening

Tuesday afternoon

Wednesday afternoon

Wednesday night

That's all for now
Swimming (July 16th, 2011)
Today we went swimming again. Was much more fun because Zsuzsanna, Sam, and Jessie came with the only down fall was that Eastynn fell on the slide and knocked a couple teeth loose so hopefully they won't turn black. It was so nice to hang out with Zsuzsanna again and Sam and Taylor had a blast. Eastynn had fun with her dad and Jessie didn't have any fun at all.
That's all for now
That's all for now
Setting up the Pool (July 15th, 2011)
Today I set up the kids pool. We don't have a lot of room in our yard with the old in ground pool so I set it up in the garage. This way they are still outside but sheltered from the direct sunlight. The girls were super excited to play in the pool but once they got a chance to go in it was a little to cold but they still played hard in there. I think they will spend a ton of time in the pool this summer.
That's all for now
That's all for now
Swimming (July 14, 2011)
Today we didn't do much at home just kind of unwinding and putting things away from Elkwater but we did go to family swim, something we are going to try and hit up as often as we can for the rest of the summer.
We did go shopping for new swim suits I noticed in Elkwater Eastynn is far to small for the one we brought out and well Taylor just never seems to stop growing. I got Taylor her first one at Winners for $15. Then I got them each one at Please Mum for $10 each. We also found Paul Frank ones I was so excited Eastynn's was on sale for $12 and Taylor's for $16 and I got up to the till and for both is was $15, so with a deal like that we went and got Lil E another suit she picked Barbie is was only $6 too.
That's all for now
We did go shopping for new swim suits I noticed in Elkwater Eastynn is far to small for the one we brought out and well Taylor just never seems to stop growing. I got Taylor her first one at Winners for $15. Then I got them each one at Please Mum for $10 each. We also found Paul Frank ones I was so excited Eastynn's was on sale for $12 and Taylor's for $16 and I got up to the till and for both is was $15, so with a deal like that we went and got Lil E another suit she picked Barbie is was only $6 too.
That's all for now
Day 10 Elkwater (July 13th, 2011)
Today was just a busy day of nothing special, just cleaned the cabin cause we had to leave today. Then a drive home and unpacking.
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That's all for now.
Day 9 Elkwater (July 12th, 2011)
Today we went for a drive we went to Ressor and Bullshead Lake and took some pictures. My mom and I really enjoyed the drive the girls however didn't like it.
In the evening we had a fire and drove to horseshoe canyon looked like there was going to be a awesome sunset but when we got there the clouds had rolled in and it looked like a storm was coming so we headed back to the cabin and watched a movie.

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In the evening we had a fire and drove to horseshoe canyon looked like there was going to be a awesome sunset but when we got there the clouds had rolled in and it looked like a storm was coming so we headed back to the cabin and watched a movie.

That's all for now
Day 8 Elkwater (July 11, 2011)
Today we had to wake up early and come into town cause I had a dr's appointment.
The kids had a bath and got all cleaned up so we could go back, then we went and got my mom and did some shopping and had lunch, then we headed out to Elkwater and this day was just a day to relax as well.
That's all for now
The kids had a bath and got all cleaned up so we could go back, then we went and got my mom and did some shopping and had lunch, then we headed out to Elkwater and this day was just a day to relax as well.
That's all for now
Day 7 Elkwater (July 10th, 2011)
Today was a pretty slow day, the kids weren't up for doing much except for the beach and the park and it was a little to cold to do anything so we just hung out and played games. Before dad had to go home. On his way out of town we went to the store got a ice cream and he bought the kids a little $0.40 toy. Its just a little piece of rubber that pops. The girls love them they spent all evening playing with them popping off their noses and tummy's and anywhere they could think of it was funny watching.
That's all for now.
That's all for now.
Day 6 Elkwater (July 9th, 2011)

Today Fabian took the girls down to the beach while I stayed at the cabin and tidied up. Later we took the girls to the golf course which was fun nice to see Fabian really into something. Then later that night we went to a show at the amphitheater. I think that was a bit much for Eastynn but Taylor really loved it.
I just love family days it doesn't get much better.

That's all for now.
Day 5 Elkwater (July 8, 2011)
Today was a very lazy morning but in the afternoon. Lindsay, Jessica and Little Colin all came out to spend the afternoon with us. That was very nice after being by myself all week. Well besides earlier in the week when Colin, Chris, Nolan, and Jessica came for about a hour. We went to the beach for the day.
Around supper time Fabian came out and we had supper, went for a ice cream a quick play at the park then a drive and to the park for a bit then just watched tv the rest of the evening.
That's all for now.
Around supper time Fabian came out and we had supper, went for a ice cream a quick play at the park then a drive and to the park for a bit then just watched tv the rest of the evening.
That's all for now.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 4 Elkwater (July 7th, 2011)

We went to the beach after lunch again. I got burned. Instead of going to the driving range we went for ice cream and then to the park. Came back and watched a movie.
That’s all for now.
Day 3 Elkwater (July 6th, 2011)

We went to the beach after lunch for a couple hours. After supper we went to the driving range. Then for our drive, we came home and had a fire, and of course watched movies.

That’s all for now

Day 2 Elkwater (July 5th, 2011)

Today we found out Eastynn love oatmeal. I worked on my blog and got it mostly caught up. We also went to the driving range and to the park. Taylor took a bad spill at the park, she fell off the side of the slide and dropped about 4 feet. Came back and watched movies.

That’s all for now
First Day At Elkwater (July 4th, 2011)
Today we didn’t do much. I did take the girls to the driving range. We always go for a drive. Then we had a movie night.
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That’s all for now
Cleaning (July 2nd, 2011)
I have been inside all day doing some hard core cleaning and getting ready for our trip to Elkwater. Fabian cut down some trees and him and a buddy are taking a bunch of garbage and trees to the dump. Finally getting some stuff done around the house.
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That’s all for now
Canada Day (July 1st, 2011)

Today we took the girls down to the Canada Day celebration. We took the shuttle down (city bus). Taylor had never been before, she thought it was the best. Once we got there the girls did the jumpy castles. Then they got a sno-cone and cotton candy and then we played at park for awhile and then went to the Sand-fly festival (that is a outdoor concert). There was a family that sat next to us and the girls played with their kids so it kept them occupied till the fireworks. The fireworks were amazing this year, they had them playing to music which I think helped Taylor not be so freaked out over the sound.
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Cleaning The Garage ( June 30th, 2011)
Today I thought I would start cleaning the garage. WOW do we have a ton of baby stuff and toys. I know have a pile to take to once upon a child. We organized the rest of the garage so now we have a clean garage again.
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That’s all for now
Eastynn’s Dentist Appointment (June 29th, 2011)
I took Eastynn to the dentist today. I was concerned cause her front teeth and bottom teeth don’t touch. He said she has a few cavities but they are nothing serious enough to work on yet and the last time we went they said the same thing. Although because her teeth don’t touch she will likely need a expander and braces in a couple years. Maybe we will have braces at the same time.
That’s all for now.
That’s all for now.
Look Who’s In Grade 2. (June 28th, 2011)
Today was Taylor’s last day of school. She took her teachers Mrs Dawn and Mrs White some pretty flowers. Then they had assembly with a slide show, it was very nice. Then the kids played outside and school was done for the day. Taylor got her report card and she passed she did very well for the year.
One of Taylor’s classmates had a party at their house and the kids had hotdogs, freezies, and floats. Eastynn, grandma and I went on a picnic while Taylor was at the party.
We had a great year at Mother Teresa this year.
That’s all for now
One of Taylor’s classmates had a party at their house and the kids had hotdogs, freezies, and floats. Eastynn, grandma and I went on a picnic while Taylor was at the party.
We had a great year at Mother Teresa this year.
That’s all for now
Missing Papa Mellor (June 28th, 2011)
I can’t believe my dad has been gone for 2 years already. I am glad his suffering is over but I wish he was still here to laugh and smile with us. I feel jipped that my girls never got to know such a wonderful human being.
It would have also been Grandma and Papa Huber.
I am so sad for my girls not knowing not only Papa Mellor but Papa Huber as well.
That’s all for now.
It would have also been Grandma and Papa Huber.
I am so sad for my girls not knowing not only Papa Mellor but Papa Huber as well.
That’s all for now.
Taylor’s Fun Track Day (June 24th, 2011)
Today was also Taylor’s fun track day. They had bouncy castles and tons of races, like carrying water over their heads, potato sack races, rubber chicken toss. And they finished the day of with a tug a war against the other grade one class. It was a lot different then when I was young but still lots of fun.
That’s all for now.
That’s all for now.
Last Day Of Preschool (June 24th. 2011)
I was so sad today was the last day of preschool. We were so blessed Eastynn was placed with such a phenomenal bunch of teachers, there is not enough thank you's in the world for those ladies. It is unbelievable the amount she grew in just one school year with there help. I love them all.
Here is the poem I found for them all and each one deserves it.
Forever In Your Heart
Although you're not their mother
You care for them each day.
You cuddle, sing and read to them
And watch them as they play.
You see each new accomplishment
You help them grow and learn.
You understand their language,
You listen with concern.
They come to you for comfort,
And you kiss away their tears.
They proudly show their work to you,
You give the loudest cheers!
No, you are not their mother,
But your role is just as strong.
You nurture them and keep them safe,
Though maybe not for long.
You know someday the time will come,
When you will have to part.
But you know each child you cared for,
is forever in your heart!
Author Unknown
That's all for now
Here is the poem I found for them all and each one deserves it.
Forever In Your Heart
Although you're not their mother
You care for them each day.
You cuddle, sing and read to them
And watch them as they play.
You see each new accomplishment
You help them grow and learn.
You understand their language,
You listen with concern.
They come to you for comfort,
And you kiss away their tears.
They proudly show their work to you,
You give the loudest cheers!
No, you are not their mother,
But your role is just as strong.
You nurture them and keep them safe,
Though maybe not for long.
You know someday the time will come,
When you will have to part.
But you know each child you cared for,
is forever in your heart!
Author Unknown
That's all for now
Penny Carnival (June 23, 2011)
Today the girls had a penny carnival today. I love that they had fun and stuff but could really do without the bags of toys they got, especially since Eastynn got both a harmonica and a drum. EEEK
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That’s all for now
Topsy Turvy (June 22, 2011)
Today our family planted tomatoes and strawberries in a topsy turvy lets hope it works so we can have a little bit of fresh produce.
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That’s all for now
Splint (June 20th)
Today I finally got my splint put in my mouth. Its very awkward but it is the first step in becoming pain free. The first few days ended up being very painful.
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That’s all for now.
Father’s Day (June 19th, 2011)
I made my dad’s roast beef dinner for my little girls daddy for Father’s Day. Kind of honoring both dad’s. We had planned to go to the pool after supper but the pool was closed due to a swim meet. So we went bowling instead that was a lot of fun. Fabian was nice and let all the girls win.
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That’s all for now
Father’s day photos (June 17th, 2011)
We got our photos back today. I can never say enough how much I adore Rachel’s work at Madchen Studios.
That’s all for now.
That’s all for now.
School awards (June 16th, 2011)
Today was the school awards and I couldn’t be more proud of Taylor. She received the citizenship award and the enormous effort award.
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That’s all for now
Nationals for Darts
Although I haven’t made team Alberta in a couple of years of course I am going to still cheer for them. Congrats to the entire team on winning Gold.
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That’s all for now
Kids Say The Darnedest Things (June 14th, 2011)
Eastynn asked me if we can blow bubbles with kittens in them. Damn DQ commercial.
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That’s all for now
Brian’s Camera (June 11th, 2011)
After Fabian’s dad passed we inherited the camera and what a awesome camera it is I have been taking tons of pictures on our evening drive. I can’t wait till I can take some photography classes and I can learn how to use all the functions.
That’s all for now.
That’s all for now.
Rob and Leslie’s Wedding (June 11th, 2011)
We did have to come in from Elkwater to attend a team mates wedding. Everyone looked really good and we had a lot of fun. The girls especially Taylor danced with little Brooklynn all night Eastynn was pretty tired though.
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That’s all for now
Eastynn’s sick again (June 10th, 2011)
My poor Lil E is not feeling good, she looks really bad too. She has a headache that turned into a sore throat, which was diagnosed as tonsilitis. My poor little girls has had tonsilitis so many times this year.
Back In Elkwater. (June 9th, 2011)
The girls, my mom, and myself came out to Elkwater today I decided the girls could miss Friday and Monday off school so we can enjoy the cabin. Fabian will come out Friday-Sunday.
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That’s all for now
Family Doctor (June 6th, 2011)
Our family doctor has retired and we have been on a waiting list for a new doctor, we just got word today that he is going to take us all on. Thank goodness. Only problem is he doesn’t look far off from retiring either.
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That’s all for now
Dentist appointment (June 4th, 2011)
Today I had a dentist appointment to get my splint put in. They TENSed me for a hour then went to put the splint in and it didn’t work. So they had to take more impressions and make me a new one that will be put in 2 weeks.
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That’s all for now
Snail Hunting (June 3rd, 2011)
I guess one thing that the rain brings out in Elkwater is the snails. I took the kids snail hunting today. Started off a little rough they were scared to touch them but now they have a ton of them.
Raining In Elkwater (May 31, 2011)
Got out to Elkwater and it is raining there is so much to do in Elkwater but rain sure eliminates a lot of them. I just want to go for a walk or sit on the deck.
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That’s all for now
Kids Say The Darnedest Things (May 31, 2011)
We were watching America's Got Talent and they warn everyone not to try this at home. Taylor asks me if I am going to try it. I said "they just said don't try this at home" Taylor says "how about outside?"
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That’s all for now
Dance (May 30th, 2011)
Today I registered the girls for dance. I am so excited for dance this season. Both girls move up one level and each girl is adding jazz to ballet so 2 hrs of dance a week. Should be a good up coming year. I can’t wait for the day’s of sitting and gossiping with other moms again and of course the dance recital.
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That’s all for now
Relay For Life (May 28, 2011)
Today was the relay for life. I love the relay. It was nice this year to have Eva, Brooklynn, and the boys, even though they never stayed long. Hopefully in future years they can stay longer. The relay made over $260 000. Jerimy’s team raising the most this year.
Something I am very proud of is that our family between Jerimy’s team, what Stephanie raised and my cancer shoot we have raised nearly $100000. Pretty amazing and we couldn’t have done it without our family and friends so thank you all who have supported us in this cause.
That’s all for now
Something I am very proud of is that our family between Jerimy’s team, what Stephanie raised and my cancer shoot we have raised nearly $100000. Pretty amazing and we couldn’t have done it without our family and friends so thank you all who have supported us in this cause.
That’s all for now
Taylor’s Talent Show (May 27, 2011)
Again My Taylor made me so proud. In front her entire school and tons of parents and grandparents she performed her ballet dance at school all by herself. I was extremely proud of her.
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That’s all for now
Girls Night At The Movies (May 25, 2011)
Tonight me and Brooklynn went to the movie Bridesmaids. It was so funny. I often wish Brooklynn lived closer so that we could do more stuff like that or just be more of a family I guess. I know she will never leave Sask and I will never leave the Hat, so I guess we have to make the best of the time we do get together.
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That’s all for now
Papa Mellor’s Memorial Tree (May 15th, 2011)
Aunty Cindy took some pictures for us of dad’s memorial tree and his memorial plaque. I think Fabian and I will have to go golfing some time this year so I can take a look. Thank you Cindy.
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That’s all for now
New BBQ (May 12th, 2011)
Today we got a new bbq. Fabian and I put the BBQ together. It wasn’t near as bad as I anticipated it to be. People always say if you can put a BBQ together without fighting you will make it as a couple….Not that him and I haven’t went through enough to know that we will make it.
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That’s all for now
Talent Show Audition (May 10th, 2011)
Taylor had her talent show audition today at school. I said how did it go and she says I'M IN :)
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That’s all for now
Ballet Recital (May 9th, 2011)
Today was such a wonderful day. My children made me so proud, I don't know why but I feel like my life changed today. Taylor always knew exactly what she was doing and seemed to me like the other girls were watching her to know what to do next. And Eastynn she stole the show everyone was laughing so hard, they had to jump and Eastynn was just jumping so hard. It was awesome she made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes and Taylor made me so hard that again I had tears in my eyes.
That’s all for now
That’s all for now
Mothers Day 2011 (May 09, 2011 )
Yesterday was such a nice day.
I woke up early to go to the washroom. Taylor woke up when that happened, she tried to wake daddy and no luck then I caught her trying to wake up Eastynn. So I made her come lay with me and cuddle which was nice.
Then later they woke me up and gave me the cards and crafts they made at school, always the best gifts. Then awhile later I got some breakfast in bed.
I went to see my mom and we went out for our brunch which we have been doing for so many years before I was a mom even. We go with my mom, her sisters and her mom. Then we went to my grandmas and Heather's for a visit and later they came for a supper for the most part Fabian prepared.
It was such a wonderful day to spend with so many very special females in my life and one very special husband. I am blessed.
That's all for now.
I woke up early to go to the washroom. Taylor woke up when that happened, she tried to wake daddy and no luck then I caught her trying to wake up Eastynn. So I made her come lay with me and cuddle which was nice.
Then later they woke me up and gave me the cards and crafts they made at school, always the best gifts. Then awhile later I got some breakfast in bed.
I went to see my mom and we went out for our brunch which we have been doing for so many years before I was a mom even. We go with my mom, her sisters and her mom. Then we went to my grandmas and Heather's for a visit and later they came for a supper for the most part Fabian prepared.
It was such a wonderful day to spend with so many very special females in my life and one very special husband. I am blessed.
That's all for now.
Ballet Rehersal (May 7th, 2011)
So all year I have been sitting outside the girls class room and for what…..for this. I am so excited the time has finally come. I can’t wait till the actual show.
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That’s all for now
Fabian’s Rock 105.3 Draw (May 4th, 2011)
Today is the day Fabian could have potentially won a car. It started off good. There was 52 people who qualified after 27 he was still in it to win it. Then at number 25 he was eliminated. I was very disappointed. Fabian often doesn’t get excited about stuff and he was so excited. I really wanted this for him. Maybe next year we will both qualify and double our chances of winning.
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That's all for now
Kids Say The Darnedest Things (May 1st, 2011)
This morning before school Taylor was singing to me
“Ba ba Black Sheep Hab You Willy Wool. Yes sir yes sir three bags full
One for the master, one for the dame
and one for the little boy who lives down the lane
Ba ba black sheep Hab you willy wool
Yes sir yes sir three bags full.”
That’s all for now
“Ba ba Black Sheep Hab You Willy Wool. Yes sir yes sir three bags full
One for the master, one for the dame
and one for the little boy who lives down the lane
Ba ba black sheep Hab you willy wool
Yes sir yes sir three bags full.”
That’s all for now
Dart Banquet (April 29th)
Had a great time at the dart banquet, we couldn’t ask for a better team. Steve and Sandra won the big prize of the night. I am so happy for them. 3 years in a row Fabian Huber, Chantell McCarthy, and myself have been the last to leave the dart banquet (Craig joined us 2 of them years)... Donna and John joined us.
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That’s all for now
Kids Say The Darnedest Things (April 28th, 2011)
Taylor just asked how big she was when she was born. I said I don't know? She said I was wearing blue jammies right?
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That’s all for now
Rough Day With A Popsicle (April 27th, 2011)
Today Taylor had a run in with a popsicle. It stuck to her tongue and in a panic she pulled it off and ripped some skin off too. Poor little girl wish I could make her feel better.
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That’s all for now
Success (April 25th,2011)
Today we had success on her bicycle today. I am a proud momma. She is still a little shakey but no turning back now.
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That’s all for now
Day At The Park (April 24th, 2011)
Took the kids to the park to fly kits and try and teach the kids to ride with no training wheels. The kite flying was fun the bike riding not so successful.
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That’s all for now
Easter (April 20th, 2011)
Well the Easter bunny has come and gone. Had a Easter egg hunt for the girls. Went to Police Point. Had a hotdog roast, painted some eggs and seen the bunnies and the chicks we went for a walk and seen one of Eastynn’s teachers, Mrs Leibel, who took a family picture for us. Then went to Grandma Chisholm’s for a lovely supper made by Auntie Heather.
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That’s all for now
Mother’s Day Photo’s (April 19th, 2011)
Today we had our photos. Eastynn is still pretty shy with Rachel but considering this is the third time she has seen her since December she should get use to her soon. I can’t wait to see them.
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That’s all for now
Cleaning The Storage Room (April 17th, 2011)
Can't believe how much my mom and I have accomplished this week. I am so proud of us. GO TEAM MELLOR. I LOVE YOU MOMMA. ♥
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That’s all for now
Mixed Doubles At Medicine Hat Open (April 15th, 2011)
I am sad, embarrassed, and frustrated that I had so much trouble playing darts that I couldn't even continue in section. But I am thankful to all my friends who supported me today.
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That’s all for now
Poor Eastynn (April 6-13th, 2011)
Poor Lil E seems to have tonsilitis. She has a fever and a sore throat and is starting to sound like she is full of phlegm. Eastynn has had a 3 day fever. According to the doctor she has strep or mono.
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That’s all for now
Hawaiian Day (April 6th, 2011)
Taylor is so excited about Hawaiian day. My little girl certainly has school spirit.
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That’s all for now
Eastynn’s Petland Field Trip (April 4th)
Today Eastynn had a field trip with her class, they went to petland. She got to hold all sorts of animals. She got to even touch lot reptiles. Was very hard for me not to project my fears of reptiles on to her. I noticed all the teacher’s also had a hard time. It was fun nonetheless.
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That’s all for now
Dentist Appointment (April 3rd, 2011)
Another apt with another dentist. Hopefully this turns out better than the last one. I know I can't afford the $2500 he wanted never mind traveling to Calgary and back.
Well I loved what this dentist had to say, minus the part where it will cost me a arm and a leg....but it needs to be done.
That’s all for now
Well I loved what this dentist had to say, minus the part where it will cost me a arm and a leg....but it needs to be done.
That’s all for now
Another Good Day (April 2nd, 2011)
Another good day. Lunch at mall, frozen yogurt, watched tangled, cleaned house and had a super yummy supper (short ribs, potatoes, corn, carrots, and rice). Sometimes its just the small things that make a day great. I think I have come to notice the small things make days great.
That’s all for now
That’s all for now
Eastynn’s Funny (April 1st, 2011)
Eastynn had a accident in bed, she told Fabian my bed is wet. A leprechaun must have come into her room while she was asleep with a cup of water and poured it on her bed.
Got to love the stuff they come up with.
That’s all for now
Got to love the stuff they come up with.
That’s all for now
Mother’s Day Photo Session (March 31, 2011
Today I got booked in for a Mother’s Day Photo Session at my favorite studio for some Mother’s Day photo’s. Rachel at Madchen Studio’s rocks.
That’s all for now
That’s all for now
Awesome Night (March 26th 2011)
I just love the nights that go from ordinary to extraordinary. Loved our family night at the library and then going for frozen yogurt, best of all no fighting and lots of smiles, hugs and kisses. ♥
That’s all for now
That’s all for now
Brooklynn Grove’s Birthday Party (March 25th, 2011)
Another Little Brooklynn. Taylor is in the same dance class as this little Brooklynn, she also goes to Mother Teresa but is a grade behind Taylor.
Taylor had a birthday party tonight at the lodge. The girls both went and so did Fabian and I. We had a blast. Taylor my little piggy ate 2 hot dogs.

That’s all for now
Taylor had a birthday party tonight at the lodge. The girls both went and so did Fabian and I. We had a blast. Taylor my little piggy ate 2 hot dogs.

That’s all for now
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