Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Taylor's 6th Birthday

I can't believe Taylor is 6.
She woke up in the morning and asked me how many more sleeps till my special day. I said none its today and said Happy birthday baby. She smiled so big.
We got out of bed came down stairs and made pancakes. After breakfast we went to Grandma Mellor's and she gave both girls a nice little dresses. Then Grandma bought us some little ceasers pizza and we came back to the house and ate it and Taylor got her big present which was a pool. All the girls went shopping while dad tried to set up the pool. We bought the rest of Taylor's school supplies and a cover for the pool. When we got home we decided it was in a bad place so all Fabian's work was for nothing. So we moved it all and started setting it up AGAIN. Taylor was being so impatient and I do not blame her at all. So we had supper and got back in the car and went shopping again. Taylor bought some new bathing suits with her gift card from Grandma Huber. Grandma Mellor also bought Taylor a pair of roller blades that convert to ice skates, we also got Eastynn a pair. The girls absolutely love the skates have been skating on the carpet all dad I think good practice for now.
That's all for now

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