Monday, July 12, 2010

Sask July Long

We recently went to Sask for July long weekend. The drive is oh so long especially with a uber excited Huber, that Huber being Taylor. She asks so often when will we be at Grandma's when will be at Grandma's.
Well the first night we didn't get there till about 6 and went to Calvin and Brooklynn's. Brooklynn prepared a great BBQ and Calvin BBQed it, it was awesome. The kids played hard and they slept hard but were awoken by the late night/early morning storm.

Friday we woke up and had some bacon and eggs. Then went to the lake for most of the day. Later we went to Grandma and Grandpas for supper we went to the park then to the lake to watch the fireworks. Taylor is still terrified of fireworks, she watched from the car. I gave the girls a quick bath then we headed to bed while the boys had some drinks. Again the storm scared Taylor a lot.

Saturday I woke up in severe pain I couldn't move very good had a kink in my neck. It passed soon enough though and was okay. When we got up there was some kids there for the girls to play with Bailey and Taryn. Then we had some pancakes. We slowly slowly got ready for the day but first had a little nap. Spent from about 3-9ish at grandmas place then went to a wedding. Taylor loves weddings.

Sunday we went to grandmas and spent some time there just kind of hung out and then we headed home. This visit was a little different we didn't do much but it didn't feel like we had time to do anything.
That's all for now

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