Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boring Week

This week has been very very uneventful. I came home from provincials on Monday night. Tuesday was alright Fabian missed the morning cause he wasn't feeling well, he had some sort of inner ear infection. Wednesday I was awfully sick barely getting out of bed, all day long. Thursday Fabian was the sick one again not getting out of bed all day I went to doctor cause me headache was still so bad I got to see Dr. Foley he said is was tmj basically a jaw issue from me clenching my teeth and my jaw clicking. Then back to me on Friday.
So Taylor's week off school was very uneventful for her thank goodness she was home though she did a really good job of taking care of Eastynn while we were sick. She finally after a month and lots of whining got her toy room clean. so she is begging to have a play date now but I do believe it is already.
Hopefully this week will be more fun for them I may take them swimming sometime this week.
That's all for now

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