Friday was the one day we went to the fair this year. We went out and got a few things before we went out like bottled water. A bottle of water was $3 at the fair we got some kids bottles of water at Walmart and they are awesome have nice little sippy like tops which is great. Then we had some lunch with Grandma.
We got to the grounds at about 1:20 and probably for the first half hour Eastynn screamed and stomped around cause I wouldn't carry her and she didn't wanna sit in the wagon it was about 37 degrees so noway am I carrying her around all day. So I told Taylor to go a ride and when I put Eastynn down she freaked right out so I took her off, then when the ride started Eastynn freaked out cause she didn't get to go on. Finally she calmed down enough to go on a ride, but the seat was to hot so she cried again. It was fun, haha. Then she cried cause I don't think she quite got it and was very uncertain, that's when Taylor screamed at the carney to stop the ride (she was sticking up for Eastynn I was proud). Then when the ride was done she cried cause she had to get off. This happened on EVERY SINGLE RIDE. Her favorite ride was the fishy one just like Taylor at that age.
The was also the "rides" that you walk through and up Taylor and Eastynn would go and then on every one of them Eastynn would just stand up at the top and not go down the slide she wasn't upset she was just content hanging out at the top. At about 4 she fell asleep for about an hour. But all and all Eastynn had a great time.
Taylor had a blast this year was perfect for her. She was exactly 42" so she could go on all the kiddie rides but was able to get on almost all the adult rides as well. Like I said she went on a few rides with her sister. She went on a few by herself a lot with her, Eastynn, and little Brooklynne. Some with just Brooklynne. She was able to go on the big slide by herself this year which is nice cause I don't like all those stairs or being up that high. We went on the bumper cars a couple times. We went on this ride that you lay down as if your superman.
Once Fabian got there we went and took a break from the rides and had some supper. After supper was nice Fabian hung out with Eastynn taking her on some rides. While Becky, Brooklynne, Taylor and I went on rides. We went on the haunted house so not scary but loud enough to scare Taylor with her sensitive hearing. Then we went on the tilt a whirl the best time I ever had on the tilt a whirl watch the 2 girls laugh so hard, we did it 3 times in total. We actually went on the spider too, I wasn't sure Taylor would like it as I find it scary too, but she loved it. I got to go on the spider 3 times too, once with Becky which was awesome cause we spun pretty good and Taylor and I went on twice. We also went on a ride called moonbeam or moon drop. It takes you to the top then drops you and then it raises you and drops you. I HATED that ride mostly cause I am scared of heights and the reason I am scared of heights is cause I am scared of falling. So not the best ride for me although I couldn't help but laugh the entire time and Taylor was having such a great time she was laugh so hard she was drooling. Taylor too had her little break downs but over all was good she cried every time we walked passed a place with snow cones but called them ice cream and any of the fishing games.
After we were done the rides we went to the petting zoo which the girls always want to do but Taylor usually gets so scared its not worth going. They did enjoy it this year and Taylor only got scared once when she was walking and looking at a sheep and turned around and there was a goat right in her face, she screamed so loud that everyone at the petting zoo thought she had been hurt. She did however get over it quite quickly. Then we left but I promised Taylor and ice cream so we went to DQ. After that it was home, bath, and bed and to bed without a problem.
That's all for now