Friday, October 10, 2008

Speech Assesment

Yesterday the girls had a speech therapist come into the house to assess the girls. I know Taylor has some issues with talking pronouncing her F's and V's for example she says she is sore instead of four and she says Calbin instead of Calvin. But the girl said she would only need one round of speech which is 8 sessions but her comprehension level is above a 4 year old's.
Eastynn babbles and babbles and babbles and doesn't really say a whole lot. She does have as many words in her vocabulary as a child her age should and her comprehension level is that of a 29 month old and she is only 22 months so that's awesome we got some smart girls.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Ya know ... I've been gone since the day you posted this. I was all excited, I've have a week's worth of news to read up on ... then I get here, and you haven't posted anything since I left? *sigh* Get on it girl!! :-P