I guess we are at that age where birthday parties will take up a lot of weekends.
Taylor went to her friend Sam's birthday. It was at the bowling alley there was a lot of kids there. Eastynn was invited to this one as well they had a blast. Taylor bought Sam a movie pass and a activity book for her birthday. The kids were so lucky they got Zhu Zhu pets in their goody bags. It was awesome they now have a total of 5 Zhu Zhu pets and 1 baby Zhu zhu.
Then a couple weeks ago she was invited to her friend Katalena's birthday party and they were nice enough to invite Eastynn as well. Taylor bought Katalena a zhu zhu pet and a baby zhu zhu and a Dr Seuss book. At the party they had some girls that came to the house to paint all the kids finger nails and toe nails. Again a lot of fun.
Then last Saturday she went to Dakota's birthday. This one was at the bowling alley as well. There was only 4 kids at that party so they got to play a lot. Me and the other 2 moms dropped the kids off and hung out for the afternoon with the little ones. That was awesome for us too. Taylor bought Dakota Toy Story 3 Operation.
Hopefully the birthday parties slow down a little before Christmas. I do however have a great party planned for Eastynn this year I can't wait.
That's all for now